The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Italy further tightens its confinement

3/22/2020, 6:57:20 PM

The drama in Lombardy prompted the authorities to order the cessation of almost all economic activity.


Each evening is a tragedy. Italy said on Saturday it had more than 4,821 new cases that day, and 793 dead. Sunday, 3,957 new cases and 651 deaths. Not enough to detect a real slowdown of the virus. If officially 59,138 people contracted it, they are only patients detected in the hospital, excluding healthy carriers and those who, in the presence of symptoms, stay at home. Epidemiologists estimate that the real number is probably 5 to 10 times higher. Even the toll of 5,476 dead given on Sunday evening, a figure that was believed to be reliable, is probably underestimated, some choosing to die at home, not detected by the virus.

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While doubt increases on the extent of the epidemic, it is the spectacle of the situation in Lombardy, with its 18,000 positive cases, which marks the spirits. The richest region of Italy having many infected doctors and nurses (already 18 doctors died of the virus), the Ministry of Health had to launch a

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