The Limited Times

Between order and closure: The Corona redefines the meaning of the relationship Israel today

3/23/2020, 4:30:26 PM

Love and relationship

The "Corona Challenge" redefines fundamental concepts in relationships • Embrace and touch have become like death threats • In the post-Corona era, will we awaken to the dawn of a new day?

  • Love in the days of Corona // Photo: Joshua Joseph

"Love is a remoteness" - this is what Prime Minister Netanyahu said in one of his last public speeches, in an attempt to warn us of the spread of the Corona virus - and thus may have coined a new, even formative, concept of shaping the relationships and family dynamics that will characterize the future generation.

These tropical days are reshaping for us all the definitions we were used to in relationships and family relationships. The Purim holiday seems unsuitable, during which, as I recall, the Corona crisis in Israel intensified and rose - in order to "turn it around" in relation to the basic values ​​that define our field, and to reshape the meaning of family concepts and closeness.

The "Corona Challenge" also challenges us regarding the most basic conventions, and places for us a complete - to ironic - antithesis to the concepts we have known so far; A hug , hitherto regarded as a factor in the fight, empowers and even strengthens the immune system - suddenly becomes life-threatening. Social resilience , considered "together" and communal, and one of the reasons for the survival of the Jewish people over the years - has become, for a moment, the poor cause of stability and public health, with the gathering of over five people already considered assigned and illegal.

PM Netanyahu: "Love Is Far Away" // Photo: GPO, Twitter

Even the concepts of evolution and survival have changed, and once the physical connection and contact were a trigger for creating life, health and ensuring future generations - today in order to survive, or preserve life, the opposite must be done and away from each other.

We woke up one morning to a reality that seemed like a parallel location customer, where the continued survival of the human race depends on the perception of distance from each other. new world order.

Italians get lost through a balcony

The throaty throats of poor Italian residents, who have been documented singing in full force through the balconies of their homes, as if so much of the heat, closeness and community they were so accustomed to - convey a truly chilling message.

The fact that it is precisely the nation that is considered the "hottest" of the peoples of Europe, and that closeness and physical contact are part of its cultural DNA, has absorbed the "corona blow" in the harshest form - is particularly ironic.

together and alone. Residents of Rome sing through the balconies

It is believed that the same warm, sympathetic temperament of the people of the boot country led to the rapid spread of the Corona - as if conveying a particularly bleak message: about hugging. She fits herself as a glove and aligns with the spirit of the period, and says, "Physical touch is something that will cost you dearly. You will pay for it - in life."

His bodyguard would be far away

And from the land of the boot (e) to our districts we.

This past weekend, it seems, was formative at the national level, not to mention the history of the Jewish people; Many decided not to go to family dinners with their parents. A responsible step, one must say, but the consequences and side effects cannot be ignored.

First of all, I made sure of behaviors I had not known so far that seemed completely contrary to the basic logic and order that had dominated family relationships so far; Grandparents who oppose seeing their grandchildren, panic-stricken parents who fear a visit, if only a brief and focused one, of their children. The new releases also contributed some to the reverberation of the national mood, as families broadcast Friday meals separately from the older generation. Where is the cohesive Jewish family stereotype, and where we are.

In the broader circle, my acquaintances indicated new behaviors in their workplace; People who keep a distance from each other, try not to pass each other and look almost terrified when someone steps in their direction. My spouse told of a case where two employees, who until recently were good friends, began to yell at each other - for a completely nonsensical reason. The national panic and panic seems to have done their thing too. Please Corona Corona, what do you do?

In all these cases, everyone seems to have internalized - many ways to love, but most certainly - it's remote.

Be the first to recognize? Daniel Salomon and Dana Adini. "For sure it's remote"

At the door of a new world order?

Examining the implications of the "Corona Period" on humanity in general, and on relationships and the family institution in particular, can be a fascinating sociological-anthropological lesson.

At a time when citizens crave a bit of warmth and love through balconies

At a time when adulthood and Purim celebrations are becoming a threat rather than an experience that is worn and joyful over disguised children

At a time when weddings are broadcasting through family apps and celebrations are canceled one by one

On days when bachelors and bachelors cannot meet with an Arab drink for fear of their physical health and because all pubs and cafes are also closed

At a time when each evening we wait for the daily "cutting edge" edition, and also for the pizza delivery tip we think twice about the fear of light touching the palm

In the days when shopping deliveries lie solely behind a closed door, and the commandment "and the exclusion of an old man", or in our case a visit to grandparents, has become synonymous with "life-threatening" -

There is no telling what dawn of a new day we will wake up in the post-Corona days.

However, when we go through the crisis and leave the four walls of our home -

We will discover a new, completely different world than we have known so far.

It's the end of the world as we know it // REM

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