The Limited Times

Corona crisis: Merkel's government decides on emergency package - Altmaier makes faux pas

3/23/2020, 9:30:21 PM

Germany is increasingly suffering from the corona crisis. Now the parties are debating citizens' freedoms.

Germany is increasingly suffering from the corona crisis. Now the parties are debating citizens' freedoms.

  • Due to the rapid spread of the corona virus *, drastic measures are now also taking place in Germany *.
  • After social life was largely paralyzed, an absolute shutdown could also occur in the Federal Republic.
  • More and more politicians are speaking up about the situation in the Federal Republic.

Corona virus crisis: medical protective equipment - Spahn speaks of "signals of relaxation"

Update of March 23, 4.13 p.m .: As far as protective equipment in German health facilities is concerned, the situation seems to be easing somewhat. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) was cautiously optimistic on Monday. Deliveries to all 17 statutory health insurance associations and the federal states were dispatched on Monday. The protective equipment is then distributed to the hospitals by the federal states.

"We're just going through a deeper valley again," Spahn admitted. Since China has lifted export restrictions and started producing again on a large scale, there have been "at least signals of relaxation".

Update 3:55 pm: In order to support the German healthcare system in the corona crisis , the federal government has launched a multi-billion aid program. "We are opening a financial rescue package for our hospitals," said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn on the package approved by the cabinet on Monday. For example, clinics should receive a flat rate of 560 euros per day for each bed that is kept free due to the corona pandemic .

In addition, the hospitals receive a bonus of 50,000 euros for each intensive care bed that can be created additionally. The hospitals should also be relieved of the additional costs resulting from the increased need for personal protective clothing. There should also be financial compensation for postponed operations. The clinics also get more money for nursing: the so-called "provisional nursing care value" is increased from 146 to 185 euros. By the end of the year, healthcare facilities can be built with significantly accelerated approval procedures. Students who take up a job in the fight against the corona virus and receive wages for it will not be reduced for this.

Update 1:07 pm: Olaf Scholz also answers a question about Angela Merkel's state of health: the Chancellor is now in good health, she is only sitting in the home office, he says. The Chancellor was there at the meeting. In the meantime, safety measures can also be taken on the podium - Altmaier and Scholz were further apart than usual.

Altmaier, however, also made a faux pas: He intuitively reached out to Scholz on Monday in greeting - Scholz, however, refused physical contact. The economy minister then played it safe when he left: he himself steered his company car from the courtyard. The federal ministers usually use chauffeurs.


Coronavirus - press conference with Olaf Scholz (left) and Peter Altmaier

© dpa / Michael Sohn

Economic experts and the Bundesbank warned on Monday about the massive economic impact of the current virus-related partial closings of German companies.

Corona virus crisis: After the "Bazooka" - Scholz and Altmaier present help for German companies

Update 12:54: After the bazooka, introduce "more precise weapons and instruments," says Altmaier. The protective shield for small businesses is "unprecedented in German history". A large part of important parts of social life - Altmaier specifically names cinemas, taxi drivers, musicians, book stores - should be secured in this way.

Emergency aid is planned, Altmaier continues. Specifically for companies with up to five employees, one-off payments of 9,000 euros for three months. Companies with up to ten employees can receive 15,000 euros for three months. According to the minister, ten million people in Germany work for companies of this size.

Altmaier explains that the company wants to “intervene in the market as little as possible” and maintain as many private companies as possible. At the same time, the minister added that he was willing to support jobs in Germany with a view to possible takeovers from abroad . You don't want to do it, "but our country must be able to protect itself".

Update 12.47 p.m .: The money will be used, among other things, to enable the hospitals to expand the intensive care beds - in a first step this will also entail economic losses. The loss of income of the citizens should also be compensated , explains Scholz. "We are also opening the basic security to everyone who is now coming under pressure." A means test is being omitted to enable unbureaucratic help .

“The focus is on the citizens and the future, which is important to them,” promises the finance minister. A further planned grant for small businesses could cost up to 50 billion euros , says Scholz. The measure is important, however, "so that nobody runs out of breath now". A fund should also support larger companies with more than 249 employees with equity investments . "A large package with a lot of measures," says Scholz.

Corona crisis: Scholz and Altmaier present emergency aid package - "Take action against it"

Update 12.43 p.m .: The press conference with Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier starts a few minutes late.

Scholz takes the floor - he speaks of a "very decisive week for German legislation" that is currently underway. Despite the pandemic, the aim is to "secure our country, the health of our citizens and the economy and jobs in our country". Scholz confirms the planned new debt of about 156 billion euros.

It shows that one “braves against it with all its might”, that the crisis endangers medical care or the economic well-being of Germany.

Corona crisis: Now official - Merkel's cabinet is launching an unprecedented emergency package

Update 12.35 p.m .: The federal cabinet approved emergency aid worth several hundred billion euros in a special session on Monday in order to mitigate the consequences of the corona crisis. Among other things, the ministerial meeting launched a supplementary budget to finance the relief measures with a new debt of around 156 billion euros . The package of measures, unprecedented in the history of the Federal Republic, is intended to protect citizens and businesses from the loss of their livelihood as a result of the crisis.

Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) want to appear before the press shortly. The cabinet meeting had to take place without Chancellor Angela Merkel. It is currently in quarantine.

Update 12.20 p.m .: Bavaria and the majority of the federal states go different ways in detail in the Corona crisis. Markus Söder's Free State finds “the right deeds,” commented the Munich-based Merkur * on the constellation that has received much attention.

Corona crisis: After the decision of the Bundestag - FDP fears for freedom of the individual

Update 9:59 am : The federal government passed a nationwide ban on contacts last Sunday. Accordingly, there is a ban on gatherings of more than two people. The FDP also supports this approach.

Nevertheless, the party chairman Christian Lindner warns that people's freedom should be checked regularly. Restrictions on freedom can only be temporary. They would have to be checked again and again, according to the FDP general secretary Linda Teuteberg on ZDF. It also called for a close dialogue between science and politics. It had to be evaluated which "measures bring the desired effect" and how long they were actually "necessary".

The Secretary General also gave support for the planned economic aid in the billions. "Much right" was decided. However, companies should still be given “air to breathe” through additional options for tax refunds from last year's sales tax. Nevertheless, the FDP in the Bundestag would like to take a close look at the measures that have been adopted and all restrictions on freedom.

Corona crisis: After massive criticism - Health Minister Jens Spahn is backtracking for the time being

Update 8.15 a.m .: The Corona crisis presents the Federal Government with challenges. While critics had recently wrinkled their noses at the systematic location of cell phones in China, the topic has also got onto the agenda amazingly quickly in Germany. The apparently simplest solutions can, however, be solutions that are not easily compatible with the democratic principles. After massive criticism of the controversial proposal for the location of cell phones by Germans by Jens Spahn (CDU), the health minister is initially withdrawing.

For the time being, do not let infected persons contact people on their cell phones to curb the corona pandemic . That was confirmed to the AFP news agency on Sunday from government circles. The cell phone location should be discussed in the federal cabinet on Monday. Now the proposal is apparently to be revised and presented after Easter.

Previously, the Düsseldorf-based "Handelsblatt" reported on Spahn's waiver of cell phone location, which is controversial for data protection reasons. The draft for a new infection protection law stipulated that the telecommunication services should transmit data to the Robert Koch Institute, which would enable contact persons to be located.

Corona crisis: Vice Chancellor Scholz wants to raise huge sums

Update of March 23, 6.58 a.m .: The extent of the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic can not yet be predicted. But freelancers and entrepreneurs are already feeling the crisis. Many fear bankruptcy, others are already filing for bankruptcy. The Federal Cabinet plans to take comprehensive measures to alleviate the problem on Monday.

On Monday it will be about large protective screens for companies, employees and clinics . Extensive changes to the law are planned. The Bundestag should then approve the measures on Wednesday and the Federal Council on Friday.

"The comprehensive measures that are being launched in the cabinet today support families, tenants, employees, the self-employed and companies in a practical, quick and non-bureaucratic way," said SPD General Secretary Lars Klingbeil of the German Press Agency. It is huge sums that finance minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) spends on it. But they are also huge challenges. "The state does not leave people alone in this crisis," said Klingbeil. "It will not be easy in the next few weeks, but it will make us stronger as a society." The federal government is planning a supplementary budget of 156 billion euros for 2020 and wants to draw the emergency rule on the debt brake in order to have more financial scope.

Corona crisis: According to the survey, the CDU and CSU benefit significantly

Update of March 21, 8:42 p.m .: The Union has clearly gained approval in a survey in the corona crisis . In the RTL / n-tv trend barometer of the polling company Forsa, the value of the Union rises to 32 percent. That is 3 percentage points more than in the previous week.

The Union parties have thus gained 6 percentage points in the survey over the past two weeks and almost again achieved their share of the vote in the 2017 Bundestag election (32.9 percent).

The AfD loses 2 percentage points and slips to 9 percent. The Greens also lose 2 percentage points and come to 20 percent, the left loses 1 percentage point (now 9 percent). SPD and FDP can increase by 1 percentage point to 15 and 7 percent respectively.

The CSU in particular is growing within the Union. While the CDU comes to 30 percent, the CSU in Bavaria again exceeds the 40 percent mark. At 41 percent, the Christian Socialists are 2.2 percentage points above their Bundestag election result.

Update from 1:19 p.m .: North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Education Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) is also harshly criticizing the audition of Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) : "We have reached an agreement with 15 other federal states, including Bavaria, that we will take a path together here" said Gebauer in the RTL night journal on Saturday night.

She continued: "Now Bavaria has left early, we wanted to have a look at the weekend, Saturday, and then decide on Sunday how to proceed",

Corona crisis: Federal government wants to protect tenants from layoffs

Update from 11.06 a.m .: Tenants should not be allowed to terminate due to rent debts in the Corona crisis . This provides for a bill from the Federal Ministries for Justice, Home Affairs and Economy, which is available to the German Press Agency in Berlin.

This should apply to rental debts from April 1 to September 30, 2020 . The tenant's obligation to pay the rent remains in principle. Other debtors who are unable to meet their contractual obligations due to the corona pandemic are also not expected to face legal consequences. There should be a legal deferral rule for loans.

The bill is due to be approved this Monday in the Federal Cabinet and on Wednesday in the Bundestag .

Corona virus crisis management: SPD and Greens attack Söder

Update from 10.11 a.m .: The federal government is considering aid for tenants who can no longer pay their apartment rents due to the Corona crisis. "This applies to tenants of housing as well as to commercial tenants," a spokesman for the Ministry of Justice told the newspapers of the Funke media group .

Update from 9:36 a.m .: As the editorial network Germany (RND) reports, referring to coalition circles, the federal cabinet wants to get billions in aid for Germany's hospitals . A volume of initially three billion euros is planned .

The background to this is that hospitals have to forego predictable treatments and operations due to the corona crisis. However, the proceeds from this could put them in trouble. The aim is to prevent bank failures as a result of the corona pandemic .

Exit restrictions due to Corona: Walter-Borjans (SPD) attacks Söder (CSU)

Update of March 21, 9:05 a.m .: The advance of Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) angered the SPD and the Greens . They criticize that Söder decided on the exit restrictions without coordination with other federal states. Corona presented everyone with an unprecedented challenge, SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans told the newspapers of the Funke media group .

"Anyone who now pretends to know the magic formula for dealing with this situation is throwing sand in the eyes of the citizens," explained Walter-Borjans. It would be better if the countries acted as agreed with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) . The Green Party federal chairwoman Annalena Baerbock described Söder's course with the newspaper Welt as "counterproductive": "This is not the time for going it alone."

Corona crisis: crossing the border is only possible in a few places

Update of March 20, 8:55 p.m .: What is the next step for the German economy? The corona crisis hits companies hard - former SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel has now given an initial assessment. One expert speaks of the Corona crisis as the "greatest economic shock of the 21st century".

Update of March 19, 10 p.m .: Freiburg is imposing a curfew due to the corona pandemic. The city itself spoke of a ban on entering public places, which is to apply from March 21 to April 3. With this drastic measure, the spread of the corona virus should be contained, the city said on Thursday evening. The reason for this is the dramatic situation of the neighboring French region of Grand-Est, which also includes Alsace.

According to the city, the entry ban means that public places may no longer be entered. The house or apartment should only be left for urgent matters. Those who want to be outdoors should only do so alone, in pairs or with people who live in their own household. A minimum distance of 1.50 meters must be kept from all other people. But you can still go to work or the doctor and buy groceries. The current restrictions would initially apply for two weeks.

Corona crisis: curfew for Germany? - Merkel and Prime Ministers advise on Sunday

7:08 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel and the state premiers want to discuss curfews in the corona crisis after a media report this Sunday. The SWR reported this on Thursday, citing Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). Several heads of government had threatened curfews on Thursday. "It depends on the population whether we need to take stricter measures," Kretschmann told the SWR. The background is that many Germans do not respond to calls to keep their distance from others.

Corona crisis: curfew for Germany? - Border crossing is only possible in a few places

18:39: The Federal Government has determined places where a border crossing from Austria, France, Luxembourg, Denmark and Switzerland should still be possible. All other border crossings, on the other hand, should remain closed from Friday due to the Corona crisis . The list can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The Ministry urged all travelers on Thursday to get information in advance to avoid inconvenience. In important exceptional cases - such as long traffic jams - the federal police should also be able to cross the border at other cross-border transport connections .

Since Monday, there have been checks again due to the spread of the coronavirus . With a few exceptions, only Germans, foreigners with residence and residence permit in Germany, commuters and truck drivers who bring important goods into the country are allowed to enter - also EU citizens who have to cross Germany on their way to their homeland. At the borders with Belgium and the Netherlands there are still no stationary controls.

Corona crisis: 75th anniversary canceled to commemorate end of World War II

Update 6:26 pm: The state act planned on May 8 for the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War is canceled due to the Corona crisis . This was decided by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier , the Federal Ministry of the Interior announced on Thursday in Berlin. The liberation of Germany and Europe from National Socialism should also be commemorated on that day.

According to the announcement, the form of the commemoration day is still open. The Berlin "Tagesspiegel" first reported on the cancellation. According to the previous plans, both Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) as well as numerous high-ranking guests from Germany and above all from abroad wanted to take part in the state act in Berlin.

Update, 4:31 p.m .: The Federal Government estimates that the number of employees applying for short-time work benefits will be in the millions. "It is assumed that 2.15 million cases of short-term economic benefits will be received ," says the relevant ordinance from the Federal Ministry of Labor. The Ministry expects an additional 1.15 million cases.

Corona crisis in Germany: Spahn with special regulation for nursing homes

Update, 4.20 p.m .: As Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn ( CDU ) reports, care in the nursing homes in the corona crisis is to be secured with special regulations. Those in need of care and also the nursing staff themselves now need special protection and special support, says Spahn. Among other things, the temporary suspension of bureaucratic requirements had been agreed with long-term care insurance funds and care associations. Nursing home residents and their relatives should be spared any additional costs due to the Corona crisis . Spahn mentioned it as the primary goal "that nurses stay healthy and that those in need of care do not come into contact with the corona virus".

Specifically, the nursing TÜV, which checks the quality of facilities, is to be suspended until the end of September. Indications of grievances should, however, be investigated further. For the time being, there are also no personnel requirements so that homes can continue to operate if fewer skilled workers can come than planned - without a reduction in remuneration for the facilities. If nursing homes experience problems due to infected residents or nursing staff, they will have to report this to the nursing care funds in the future. Then it should also be ensured that other personnel are organized as replacements.

In order to avoid unnecessary contacts, people in need of care should no longer be physically examined until September to classify the level of care , Spahn explained. This should be decided based on the file and a telephone conversation.

The long-term care insurance should bear corona-related costs or loss of income. Nursing homes and services are also to be supported with supplies of protective equipment. In addition, employees of the medical service of the health insurance companies with up to 4,000 nurses and 2,000 doctors should be able to be assigned to nursing homes , clinics and offices.

Corona crisis: curfew for Germany? AKK speaks of "marathon" - and is keen criticism

Update, 3.30 p.m .: Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer ( CDU ) also urges the population to stick to the measures to contain the corona pandemic. "If you don't want a curfew , with all its burdens, you have to maintain the highest level of discipline ," she said. Responsible behavior is required of everyone.

The CDU politician sharply criticized people who are celebrating parties in the current situation or otherwise disregard rules such as keeping distance from each other. "Any non-corona party helps prevent other measures," said the minister, also referring to the debate about a possible curfew .

However, she emphasized that there are not only people who want to celebrate corona parties , but also very many who offer voluntary help . Now it has to be ensured "that everyone who wants to help comes where it is needed". "We all have to be aware that the fight against the virus is a marathon ," Kramp-Karrenbauer made it clear that from her point of view, staying power will be required.

Corona crisis in Germany: reservists report to the Ministry of Defense

Update, 2:02 p.m .: According to Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer ( CDU ), more than 2,300 reservists have registered with the Ministry of Defense. They could also help in the corona crisis.

There are a total of 75,000 reservists whose accessibility is available, Kramp-Karrenbauer continues. The Bundeswehr has more than 180,000 soldiers.

Corona crisis: curfew for Germany? FDP chief Lindner with clear warning

Update from March 19, 11:42 am: FDP boss Christian Lindner clarifies in the ntv interview that the FDP is not currently thinking in party categories. “We are all in a difficult position now. And in this situation we shouldn't do one thing: spread panic, ”says Lindner. Politicians are currently trying everything to ensure "that there is not a post-crisis crisis".

Lindner himself is in favor of drastically reducing public life in a controlled manner. At the same time, the FDP chief warns of a hasty and hasty curfew . "The question is always: How long should such a curfew last? And that would have to last until there is a vaccine, otherwise the virus would spread again after the block was lifted. A vaccine is not expected until 2021. "That is why this is a measure that scientists and experts in Germany are currently refraining from doing." Even if it could be used locally in individual hotspots if the situation so required.

When asked whether anyone in Berlin still thinks in party categories, Lindner said: "Maybe the AfD, but maybe that speaks for itself."

Corona crisis: Merkel in TV address with clear appeal: "It is serious" - further measures are possible

Update of March 18, 6:37 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel addresses the German population in a TV address on Wednesday evening. In it, the Chancellor speaks about the new type of corona virus and the measures that have now been taken in Germany. In her speech, Merkel describes the fight against the corona virus as a historical task. "Since the Second World War, there has been no challenge to our country that depends so much on our joint solidarity," said the Chancellor.

That is why decisive measures have been taken. The Chancellor showed understanding that these steps hit the population hard. Nevertheless, she appealed to the population to adhere to the guidelines. The measures would come to nothing if the cohesion were now lacking.

"As the government, we will always re-examine what can be corrected, but also: what may still be necessary," said the Chancellor. Merkel did not rule out further measures. The chancellor continued to learn, "in order to be able to rethink and react with other instruments at any time."

You can read the speech of Chancellor Merkel at *.

"It's serious. Since German unity, no, since the Second World War there has been no longer a challenge for our country that is so important to our common solidarity. "
Chancellor #Merkel in her speech to the citizens. #Coronavirus

- Steffen Seibert (@RegSprecher) March 18, 2020

Corona crisis: Federal government wants to cushion wage gaps for employees

15:59: Citizens should apparently concentrate on the essentials in times of the coronavirus pandemic . In times of exponential spread, the primary concern is to contain the virus. The federal government therefore wants to act aggressively against all fears, not for large corporations, nor for workers, and decides to cushion the wage gaps in short-time work benefits. The Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) said on Wednesday after a top meeting with employers and unions in Berlin. In addition, “disproportionate drops in wages” should be avoided in the event of a loss of work due to necessary childcare.

However, there is no question that the pandemic is hitting the economy hard. Germany has therefore decided on some corona measures for the economy.

Corona crisis: Federal government has so far held on to the “black zero”

1:04 pm: The Federal Cabinet met in the midst of the Corona crisis and looked into current issues. For example, the key figures for the budget for 2021 were clarified. Accordingly, the federal government continues to stick to the so-called black zero in the federal budget. The federal budget should not be burdened with further debts, said Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD). However, this decision does not take into account the effects of the Corona crisis.

The ministry has not yet been able to quantify the costs. Many economists expect Germany to slip into a recession - tax revenues are likely to collapse as a result. According to the next tax estimate in May, this should be incorporated retrospectively. "We can and will do everything to lead our country through this difficult time," promised Scholz.

Doctor and politician Wolfgang Wodarg sees scaremongering in dealing with the corona virus. Now chief virologist Christian Drosten counters the criticism and finds clear words. *

1 p.m .: Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier (CDU) has described fast and targeted measures to stabilize the economy as central to the coronavirus crisis. Altmaier said in Berlin on Wednesday that he therefore expressly welcomes the fact that the state development bank KfW is further streamlining and bundling its procedures. “Applications for the aid loans approved last Friday are now possible and will be processed quickly. That is a good signal. "

12:56 p.m .: The consequences of the corona virus hit the German economy hard. It also has a massive impact on citizens. Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil has already announced that he wants to keep shortfalls in wages down as little as possible. The minister wants to take responsibility for the economy. "The fact is that employers can also pay more," said Heil on Wednesday in the ARD "Morgenmagazin". In discussions with the business community, it will therefore also be a question of "how we close wage gaps in order to secure purchasing power, especially for those on low incomes."

Corona crisis in Germany: Chancellor Merkel speaks to the citizens - TV speech on Wednesday

Statement of origin from March 18, 2020:

Berlin - The number of people infected with the new corona virus is now increasing rapidly in Germany . Due to the exponential spread, hundreds of new infections are now also being added in Germany within a few hours - and there could be more. In the fight against dissemination, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has not ruled out a curfew despite drastic measures such as ban on meetings. Because of the rapid escalation in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to address the population in a television speech in the evening *. The recorded speech will be broadcast on Wednesday, March 18, from 7.15 p.m. on ntv and RTL, from 7.20 p.m. on "heute" on ZDF and from 8.15 p.m. on the ARD "Tagesschau". First, the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" reported on the television address.

Corona crisis Germany: Politicians are now demanding this from the citizens

As a government spokesman said in Berlin , no further restrictions are to be expected for the time being. The announcement is not about announcing new measures, but about calling for participation in the existing protective measures .

Before the speech, there will be a press conference on Wednesday afternoon at 1 p.m. on current developments and economic measures.

The corona virus has spread worldwide. In Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria have been particularly badly affected. "We do everything that is appropriate," Söder emphasized on Wednesday morning at "Antenne Bayern". Söder called on the people of Bavaria to abide by the restrictions. "If everyone participates, we have a good chance."

It is not yet clear how long the corona crisis will last. However, it is clear that the pandemic and the following measures will have an impact on the economy. International trade and the automotive industry are particularly sensitive. The US stock exchange experienced the worst Monday in 30 years last Monday.

This could have devastating consequences

Spread of the virus also in the USA

to have. There, US President Donald Trump is accused of responding to the pandemic far too late.

The economy is on a downward slide as a result of the corona virus. But are the Dax and Dow-Jones stock market values ​​really a suitable indicator?

Coronavirus: The package of measures for companies, artists, the self-employed - "We are putting together a comprehensive protective shield". It should not be the last resort.

nai with dpa

* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Michael Kappeler

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