The Limited Times

Coronavirus: "Should I continue to wash my hands in confinement?"

3/23/2020, 3:19:12 PM

Internet user asks if it is necessary to continue using hydroalcoholic gel regularly, even after two days of confinement

Every day, Le Parisien is mobilized to answer your questions. One of them asks us. “Me and my wife are confined as prescribed, we have not been out for 2 days and she continues to wash her hands with hydroalcoholic gel every hour. Is it really necessary? "

The answer is clear: yes, during a period of confinement, it is important to continue to apply barrier gestures, in particular hand washing. There are several reasons for this.

First, the incubation period for Covid-19 coronavirus is three to five days in most cases, but it can last up to 14 days. It is the time which elapses between the moment when one is contaminated and the appearance of the first symptoms. This means that one can carry the virus, and transmit it, without knowing it during these 14 days.

During the first 14 days of confinement, it is therefore necessary to continue washing your hands regularly, to limit the chances of transmission, even if you never leave your home.

VIDEO. How to wash your hands well in 6 steps

Then, even if you only go out to do a little sport or do your shopping, these are times when it is possible to come into contact with a contaminated person. It will therefore be necessary to wash your hands after each of these outings, before touching your face, for example, or coming into contact with another person.

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Finally, some people can get the virus without showing symptoms. This will not prevent them, however, from transmitting it. It is therefore necessary to wash your hands regularly, in case, throughout the confinement period, even if you do not show any symptoms.

In no case, therefore, the two days of confinement mentioned by this user, even without making any exit, are not sufficient to eliminate any suspicion of contamination.

However, it is not necessary to use a hydroalcoholic gel. This can be used outside, when there is no water and soap available. But inside the fireplace, hand washing is enough, at least 20 seconds, with soap and water.

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