The Limited Times

Coronavirus: what to remember from Edouard Philippe's announcements

3/23/2020, 8:18:33 PM

To tighten the containment measures, the Prime Minister announced at 8:00 p.m. of TF1 a stricter limitation of sports trips, and the closure of open markets.

Everyone has their role. This Monday afternoon, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, went to a shelter for the homeless to show his support for staff and residents. In the early evening, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, spoke on chloroquine during a press conference entirely devoted to the old antimalarial drug. At 8 p.m., finally, it was the head of government, Édouard Philippe, who stepped up to the plate on TF1. Duplex from Matignon, the Prime Minister announced that he would sign a decree at midnight in the direction of a " hardening " of the containment measures. Which could also " last a few more weeks ".

LIVE - Coronavirus: the pandemic "accelerates" according to the WHO, Edouard Philippe at 8 p.m.

● The fines may be increased to 375 euros, and 1,500 euros in the event of a repeat offense

While, " in certain places in the territory, a certain number of people do not respect the rules that are formulated ", the executive has " decided to toughen the sanctions " against violators. The first day was a fine of 38 euros. Today it is a fine of 135 euros. It can be increased to 375 euros. And, in the event of recurrence, it can be brought up to 1500 euros ”, indicated the Prime Minister.

● It will now be necessary to indicate the departure time on the derogating documents

Who says tougher rules, says tougher controls. Thus, to ensure that the new instructions issued by the government are scrupulously respected, Édouard Philippe announced that " we will (from now on) have to date and give the timetable of the paper that we must carry with us when we go out " .

● Sports outings limited to a radius of 1 km and a maximum of one hour

While many joggers have populated the streets since the establishment of containment, the Prime Minister said he wanted to " clarify the rules, so as to make them stricter ". Going out to take your children for a walk or to play sports, it must be within a radius of 1 kilometer from your home, at most for one hour, and obviously on your own. And once a day, "said the head of government.

● Immediate closure of "open markets" with possible exceptions

Considering that consumers stand too close to each other between stalls, the Prime Minister announces the ban on open markets. " We made the decision to close the open markets ," said Edouard Philippe. This principle will nevertheless suffer from exceptions, since " it will be allowed to the prefects, at the request of the mayors, to derogate from this rule ".

● Travel for medical consultations reserved for urgent care

Contrary to what was in force until now, trips for medical consultations will now be reserved for urgent care or invitations. It is a question of " relieving the caregivers " and thus expressing an indispensable " solidarity towards the most fragile ", justifies Édouard Philippe

● "A maximum of twenty people" authorized for burials

After having indicated, last week on France 2, that it was not reasonable to go to the funerals, the Prime Minister clarified his position. " We have made the decision that, when a funeral takes place, it can take place with a maximum of twenty people, that is, the very close family, " he said. The head of government highlights the need to " preserve humanity in these moments ", while confining the funeral ceremony to " very small gatherings ".