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International Puppies Day: Your Time to Adopt | Israel today

3/23/2020, 6:39:33 PM

Precisely during the Corona closure, many puppies are waiting for your adoption • For International Puppies Day - it's time to give them a warm home for animals

Precisely during the days of Corona closure, many puppies are waiting for your adoption • For International Puppies Day - it's time to give them a warm home

International Puppies Day, marked today around the world, is a great opportunity to encourage the adoption of a new member (on four), especially during the days of the Corona epidemic - strolling with this dog is a great way to vent some outdoors. Experts explain but choose a dog to suit the family.

The quarantine and isolation that has befallen us because of the Corona epidemic makes us spend many hours at home, alone or in the family, and some of us have the desire to expand the family and adopt a pet with whom to play, pamper and spend time pleasantly. Also, according to the Ministry of Health guidelines, dog owners are allowed to go outside with their dogs for walks and needs, and so enjoy the outdoors. For all concerned, pets cannot be infected with the Corona virus and the International Health Organization has even issued a reassuring message on the matter.

Today, as mentioned, today is International Puppy Day, an opportunity to mark this special day to adopt a puppy. First, in order for adoption to succeed and for the new dog to best fit into your life, you need to make some decisions about the type, size, sex and age of the dog you want to adopt. So how do we decide which dog we want to adopt? The experts at Bioft offer several parameters to consider:

Puppy or older dog?

If you have dog breeding experience you probably know that the dog puppy needs to be educated for outdoor needs and proper behavior, and by the time he learns the subject in depth, it should be followed many times during the day. A dog puppy up to the age of 8 months grows its teeth and so it chews on almost anything that comes in its way, which can sometimes damage furniture, shoes, important toys and the like. Dog puppies often cry at night when trying to educate them to sleep alone. But unlike all the minuses we mentioned above, puppies are the cutest creatures in the world and there is no substitute for the warm feeling that will fill you as soon as they fall asleep in your hands seventy and happy.

Male or female dog?

If the decision is between a neutered adult dog and a sterilized adult dog, the decision is less significant because neutering or sterilization usually calms the dog or dog, making them at least aggressive towards their sexes and more at ease in the home.

Small or big?

When deciding on dog size, many people tend to think that smaller dogs are calmer and so they choose a small dog, but many times there is no connection between dog size and behavior, so the dog size decision should be influenced by the size of the apartment (a large dog can be slightly crowded in a 2-room apartment ) And from where the dog will be staying.

Character: Vigorous? comfortable?

Regarding the character of the dog - If you adopt a purebred dog, you can know little about the nature of the dog according to his breed, if you adopt a mixed puppy, it is very difficult to know what his character will be, although training and education affect and can change the character of the dog. Regarding adult dogs, many times people who know the dog, or even the associations that care about dog adoption days, can tell you about the nature of the dog - is it a dog that barked a lot, a biting dog and the like.

And in the end, as with any long-term affair, many times it's just love at first sight, the initial click that will be created between you and the dog you decide to adopt, the first time you see it.

What to do when the new puppy or dog comes home?

Your new dog has moved into a foreign place, everyone is barking around him and he may be a little scared and confused. Give him some time to acclimate to the new home and get to know the family. Stay calm and quiet around you. In addition, instruct the children how to approach it without intimidating and wait for a drop of practice before you meet it with strangers. Bioft's experts prepared some helpful tips for the early days:

1. Prepare his own corner - Place a pillow or blanket in place for the new dog, preferably in an easy-to-clean place. If a dog has a cage - leave its door open, to accustom the dog and to like it.

2. Create a safe environment for your dog from electrical wiring, detergents, gateless stairs and other hazards.

3. Learn it from the very beginning useful words such as: go to earth, sit back, come, and etc. Do not confuse it with commands in different languages.

4. Write down your phone number on the collar, or update your details with the company if it has an electronic chip. In the early days, your dog does not know that it is his home and may run away or get lost.

5. Maintain his dietary habits: feeding hours and type of food, at least in the first period. To switch to another food, gradually get used to the new flavor.

6. Get used to your new routine - Once your dog has become accustomed to the home and you, you can start accustoming him to a new outing schedule, feeding game.

7. Get used to the dog staying alone too - don't "break" when whining, but remember to chop him for good behavior.

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