The Limited Times

[New crown pneumonia, latest] Accumulated 387 confirmed second batch of stranded Hubei Hong Kong residents return to Hong Kong tonight

3/24/2020, 10:09:22 PM

The outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) has continued. So far, a total of 387 confirmed cases have been diagnosed in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has strengthened anti-epidemic measures since the early morning of this (25th). All non-Hong Kong residents arriving by air from overseas countries or regions will not be allowed to enter Hong Kong. Non-Hong Kong residents who have entered the Mainland from Macao and Taiwan, such as the past 14 days Entry to overseas countries or regions is also not allowed; Hong Kong International Airport will suspend all transit services; all people entering from Macao and Taiwan, regardless of Hong Kong residents, will be quarantined for 14 days. The government will dispatch four charter flights to Wuhan for two days from now to pick up local citizens stranded in Hubei and return to Hong Kong, with a total of 500 people.

Social News

Written by: Zheng Qiuling, Li Fuyuan

2020-03-25 06:00

Last updated: 2020-03-25 06:00

The outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) has continued. So far, a total of 387 confirmed cases have been diagnosed in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has strengthened anti-epidemic measures since the early morning of this (25th). All non-Hong Kong residents arriving by air from overseas countries or regions will not be allowed to enter Hong Kong. Non-Hong Kong residents who have entered the Mainland from Macao and Taiwan, such as the past 14 days Entry to overseas countries or regions is also not allowed; Hong Kong International Airport will suspend all transit services; all people entering from Macao and Taiwan, regardless of Hong Kong residents, will be quarantined for 14 days.

The government will dispatch a total of four charter flights to Wuhan for two days from now to pick up local citizens stranded in Hubei and return to Hong Kong, with a total of 500 people.




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[06:00] The Hong Kong Government today arranged a second batch of special planes to pick up Hong Kong residents stranded in Hubei Province and return to Hong Kong. Nie Dequan, director of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, and Zeng Guowei, director of the Immigration Department, together with officials from relevant government policy bureaus and departments, will go to Wuhan to arrange to pick up Hong Kong people.

Nie Dequan stated on his Facebook that the scale of the operation was similar to the first batch of charter flights. There were two special flights on Wednesday and Thursday. They returned from Wuhan Airport at 4 and 7 pm respectively. The total number of passengers is expected to exceed 500 More people than in the previous round. He pointed out that this operation received emergency cases in Xianning, Xiaogan, Huangshi, and other cities outside Wuhan. More than 500 people were located more dispersedly than in the previous round. Some Hong Kong people took six to seven hours to drive to Wuhan Airport. The challenge of sending everyone to Wuhan Airport on time and safely is greater than last time.

He said that many cases this time have been detained for many months. Many children, patients with chronic illnesses have encountered problems of varying degrees in their lives, and they have to take special care of their physical conditions.

This arrangement is different from the previous one. He pointed out that due to the gradual easing of the epidemic situation in Hubei Province, all cities in the province except Wuhan had no new confirmed cases for 14 consecutive days. After consulting public health experts, they decided to return to Hong Kong. Undertake 14-day compulsory quarantine at home without having to stay in the quarantine center.

▼ Latest Round of Epidemic Prevention Measures ▼




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