The Limited Times

BRK rescue dog squad trains in a former savings bank

3/24/2020, 8:09:40 PM

The BRK is constantly looking for suitable training areas for its rescue dog squadron. A good opportunity: the redesign on Egerlandstrasse.

The BRK is constantly looking for suitable training areas for its rescue dog squadron. A good opportunity: the redesign on Egerlandstrasse.

Geretsried / Münsing - The opportunity was favorable: The redesign of the Geretsried center enabled the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen to have its rescue dog squad trained in two buildings that were to be demolished. After consultation with the Geretsried building cooperative and with the kind permission of Sparkasse Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, the helpers practiced their animals all day long at Egerlandstrasse 49 to 51 before the corona pandemic broke out.


Exercise in the Pallaufhof: The rescue workers were also able to train for the emergency in Münsing.

© brk

"The building with the former bank premises and several vacant apartments made many exercise scenarios possible, which were extremely demanding for dog and dog handlers," writes BRK specialist Vanessa Schallmoser in a press release. Another stroke of luck for the rescue dog squadron was the exercise in the Pallaufhof in Münsingen. The spread of smell behaves differently in rooms than in open spaces, explains Schallmoser, “for our dogs it is a good preparation for working on the rubble cone. Training in buildings strengthens the bond between humans and dogs. ”In addition to the search for areas, the search for rubble is a separate training section in rescue dog work. Rubble search teams take a separate test and, if passed, are operational for 18 months.

The BRK is constantly looking for training areas for its dog relay. If you are planning to demolish a building complex, have an empty house and would like to make it available to the BRK, please contact Vanessa Schallmoser, phone 01 52/27 69 64 77, or email rhs @ brk-toel-wor. Bavaria. peb