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BTS, college, grandes écoles: which competitions are postponed or replaced?

3/24/2020, 3:52:03 PM

The Ministry of Education has announced a first schedule for postponing the exams to be held in the coming weeks.

It's no longer a surprise, but it's now official: the government announced on Tuesday that the higher education exams and competitions that were to be held in the coming weeks would be replaced or postponed, at best, to the end of May , due to the coronavirus epidemic.

The national education recruitment competitions which were to end at the end of March, should take place "between June and July" but "subject to changes in the health situation", underlines the Ministry of Education. Higher and Education in a press release. They "will be the subject of a specific communication in the coming days," he said.

The writings of the post-class preparatory exams for the grandes écoles initially scheduled for the months of April and May are postponed. They will be reorganized from the end of May.

This concerns both entrance exams to the Grandes Ecoles (business and management schools such as HEC or ESSEC, engineering schools such as Centrale or Polytechnique) as well as those organized within universities to access the second year of medical studies (Paces). The BTS tests will also be rescheduled from the end of May.

Distance partials in universities

The written tests for postbac competitions (such as Institutes of Political Studies or Sesame competition, common to 14 business and management schools) "will be replaced by an examination of the applicants' academic records as part of the national pre-registration procedure via the platform Parcoursup ”.

Each registered candidate will be personally informed of the new calendar and the terms of reorganization of the competition concerning him. A dedicated information page will be opened in the coming days on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education, it is also specified.

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Regarding the partial of the universities, "the institutions adapt and already organize them in several forms (quiz, oral videoconferencing, homework ...)," said the Ministry of Higher Education.