The Limited Times

Civil Protection, still snow and rain

3/24/2020, 4:30:40 PM

Strong winds and snow at low altitudes will continue to persist in Central Italy, while in the next few hours a disturbance arriving from North Africa will affect Sicily, leading to widespread pogge also over Calabria, accompanied by strong winds. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 24 - Strong winds and low snowfall will continue to persist in Central Italy, while in the next few hours a disturbance arriving from North Africa will affect Sicily, leading to widespread pogge also over Calabria, accompanied by strong winds. From the early hours of tomorrow, Civil Protection foresees precipitations from scattered scattered, even reversed or stormy, over Sicily and Calabria, phenomena accompanied by heavy showers, frequent electrical activity, hailstorms and strong gusts become. Furthermore, strong to storm winds are expected over Lombardy, Veneto, Sicily and Calabria, while strong storm winds with a prevalent north-eastern component over Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche will persist, with possible storm surges on the coast. In addition, snowfall is expected above 200-400 meters on Emilia-Romagna and Marche. Tomorrow orange alert on large part of Sicily, yellow alert on the remaining sectors of the island, on Calabria, Basilicata and much of Abruzzo.