The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 240 new deaths in France, the threshold of a thousand deaths crossed

3/24/2020, 7:09:51 PM

Tuesday was also marked by the TGV transport of 30 patients from Strasbourg and Mulhouse to less stricken areas p

The sad 1000 dead mark has been crossed in France. This Tuesday evening - day 8 of confinement -, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced 240 additional deaths and 2,444 new confirmed cases of contamination with coronavirus. This is a new 24-hour mortality record.

A total of 22,300 people have been officially infected since the start of the Covid-19 crisis. Among them, 1100 lost their lives. More than 10,176 are also hospitalized, including 2,516 in intensive care (+434).

Note that deaths in nursing homes, which are increasing in recent days, are not counted here. Like all the disappearances recorded outside the hospital environment.

A first “medicalized TGV” this Tuesday

A few minutes earlier, the opinion of the scientific council on the containment period had been made public. Not surprisingly, this body of experts considers it essential that these measures last at least six weeks. Either until the end of April, beginning of May minimum. The government, however, has refused to rule on an official extension.

Tuesday was also marked by the TGV transport of 30 patients from Strasbourg and Mulhouse to areas less affected by the virus. It is a "first in Europe", according to the Ministry of Health. Another first marked in the past 24 hours: the admission of a first patient under the khaki tents of the field hospital deployed by the Army Health Service at the foot of the civilian hospital in Mulhouse.

In both cases, it is a question of unclogging the hospitals of the Grand Est, close to rupture with the increasing influx of patients.

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