The Limited Times

Coronavirus: for its detractors, Macron is not authoritarian enough

3/24/2020, 7:30:34 PM

DECRYPTION - Faced with the spread of the epidemic, some denounce procrastination and half measures. Those of a young head of state who is afraid of hitting hard.

Long gone are the days when Emmanuel Macron's detractors accused him of being at the head of an “authoritarian regime”, to use the expression dear to Ségolène Royal. The muscular techniques of maintaining order and the forceful entry into retirement, through the use of 49-3, had fueled this trial. Now, reverse criticism is mounting. In the management of the health emergency, its detractors denounce procrastination and half measures. Those of a young head of state who is afraid of hitting hard.

Read also: Royal pursues its strategy of radical opposition

"Why all these bureaucratic hesitations , " protested in a tweet the former ambassador of the poles, about the caution of the government on the use of chloroquine, this antimalarial presented as an effective remedy by the famous Marseille professor Didier Raoult. Others call for more rigor in the application of the rules. "There are whole neighborhoods where containment does not apply, for fear of raising urban riots

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