The Limited Times

Delrio, forward with dialogue oppositions

3/24/2020, 5:13:02 PM

"Yesterday, politics wrote a good page with the meeting between Conte and the opposition leaders. This is the time for unity of purpose and collaboration in the name of the good of all Italians. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 24 - "Yesterday, politics wrote a good page with the meeting between Conte and the leaders of the opposition. This is the time for unity of purpose and collaboration in the name of the good of all Italians. All of us , government majority and opposition, is asked to act, respecting their roles, so that this very difficult season in the country is overcome as soon as possible. And for this reason it is important that dialogue and collaboration continue. " Thus the democratic group leader at the Chamber Graziano Delrio.