The Limited Times

Engineer Khamis: Our institutions have mobilized from the first moments of the spread of the Corona epidemic in the world .. Import of raw and basic materials continues and solutions to overcome the difficulties of distribution

3/24/2020, 8:18:22 PM

Damascus-SANA, Prime Minister Eng. Imad Khamis confirmed that the process of importing raw materials and supplies


Prime Minister Eng. Imad Khamis stressed that the process of importing raw materials and supplies has not stopped and therefore cannot be lost from the market and there are measures to overcome the distribution difficulties imposed by the procedures to address the Corona virus.

Engineer Khamis said in a press statement that the operations of importing medicines, oil derivatives, wheat, flour, sugar, rice and all the basic requirements have not stopped, but there is difficulty in distributing them in light of the precautionary measures, pointing to taking proactive steps to alleviate these difficulties for the citizens whose movement is restricted to secure these materials.

The Prime Minister pointed out that economic decisions are taken to secure and ensure the flow of raw materials and supplies in the private sector and the halls of the Syrian Corporation for Trade and their distribution, stressing that the materials are fully available in warehouses and the Syrian outlets for trade have been increased and all public sector mechanisms have been allocated in institutions where work has ceased to be at the disposal of governors And the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection to secure the requirements of citizens, stating that there will be decisions issued according to the specificity of each governorate to secure the requirements of bread and ration materials in more streamlined ways.

Engineer Khamis said that Syria realized from the early days of the spread of the virus in the world its seriousness and negative repercussions at all levels from individuals to families, institutions and economies of countries, so the institutions mobilized to develop a vision to address the epidemic that "we cannot be immune from, especially since it has reached neighboring countries in recent weeks." .

He said: “We developed a plan with several scenarios and options to deal with the variables of the spread of the emerging virus while realizing the fact that we are living in a dirty war against black and organized terrorism whose goal was for nine years to sabotage all the capabilities of the Syrian state so we have a specific ceiling of capabilities and priorities, especially that the war still exists and the army Leading battles in northern Syria. ”

He added that the challenges posed by the spread of the Corona epidemic in the world instead of our priorities and we started taking gradual steps to avoid any losses so we set borders and stopped tourist groups and checked the condition of travelers coming to the country and then we moved to internal steps to raise readiness on many levels.

On the health level, the Prime Minister drew attention to raising the readiness of hospitals in the Ministry of Health, Higher Education, Scientific Research and the institutions associated with them, as well as the availability of quarantine and medical isolation places in all governorates, and the readiness of quarantine places for those coming from outside Syria was gradually raised and improved and became an acceptable and closer to the good as it was assigned The Ministry of Finance secures the necessary funds for this topic.

Eng. Khamis pointed out the formation of a high-level team of senior experts, doctors and technicians from the Ministry of Health and all concerned parties from the public and private sectors to study treatment protocols and injury measures in the countries that have been affected by this epidemic and will be adopted in the institutions concerned as well as developing directives in support of health security.

With regard to securing the protective requirements such as sterilizers, gaskets, detergents, etc., Engineer Khamis stressed taking great steps in the industrial and economic fields in terms of stimulating and increasing domestic production and securing raw materials for him, whether imported or homemade, to ensure production stability and obliging the producing facilities to work in additional shifts in parallel with giving facilities and import licenses and support to secure imports The primary materials involved in the manufacture of these supplies.

The Prime Minister affirmed the continuity of productive institutions to work and the provision of guaranteeing facilities for that, indicating that the productive process must continue because we are a country facing a terrorist war for about ten years and we have 'capabilities with a specific ceiling.

And on the decision to prevent curfews at night between the engineer Khamis, it is a difficult decision made to avoid the most difficult, and the citizen must be aware of this, indicating that there are exceptions to the decision for health workers, pharmacies and other sectors that will be provided with cards that allow them to move, pointing out that citizen awareness at this stage and his commitment to government procedures are more important than procedures Itself and that the citizen who made the victories behind his army is concerned today with preserving his health and the safety of society, everyone bears responsibility.

The Prime Minister called for limiting movement and staying at home as much as possible to address the epidemic and reduce its negative effects.