The Limited Times

Fighting Corona: is it better if many Germans get infected for protection? Virologist gives recommendation

3/24/2020, 9:51:27 PM

The theory of herd immunity appears more and more frequently in the discussion on the corona crisis in Germany. A virologist now takes a clear stand.

The theory of herd immunity appears more and more frequently in the discussion on the corona crisis in Germany. A virologist now takes a clear stand.

  • The corona virus * determines everyday life in Germany .
  • Virologist Melanie Brinkmann gives hope in the corona crisis - also because of the ban on contact *.
  • She comments on the so-called herd immunity - is it better if as many people as possible become infected with the virus in order to become immune to it?

Munich - Melanie Brinkmann has encouraged. On Tuesday evening at ARD extra: The Corona location .

The virologist explained the usefulness of the current measures in the ubiquitous fight against the corona virus . And: The professor at the University of Braunschweig is certain that improvement is in sight.

Corona crisis in Germany: "The abyss is in front of us, we don't see it"

"I would like to take a picture for it: We introduce ourselves, we are sitting in a train, in an ICE and it runs at high speed. And there is the abyss in front of us, but we don't see it, ”says the scientist in an interview with ARD journalist Ellen Ehni :“ Because we tested early in the laboratories, we saw what was going to happen very early on. ”

Brinkmann continues to use imagery by describing reporting systems for the coronavirus pandemic : “The locomotive driver sees the abyss ahead of us on his system, and he can react now. Now we can pull the emergency brake, and that's exactly what we're doing with these measures that are supposed to reduce contacts. "

Coronavirus: Success in the fight against Covid-19 in Germany

First successes are visible, is explained in the focus program. So is referred to a report of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . Accordingly, it would have taken only 2.3 days on Wednesday, March 18, for the number of infected people to double, and on Tuesday, March 24, it would have taken four days to double the number of infected people.

At this point, protecting risk groups is essential to avoid as many deaths as possible and not to overload health systems. And that applies regardless of what the medium and long-term strategy will be. #coronavirus @AnneWillTalk #StopTheSpread

- BrinkmannLab (@BrinkmannLab) March 23, 2020

"We pull the emergency brake , but the train has a certain stopping distance," explains Brinkmann , appeasing: "It will take a while until we really see these effects." Before the virologist on the show becomes very confident: "I have the big one I am sure that the numbers will go down . ”

Corona crisis: virologist - ban on contact and exit ban work

It is important first of all "that we brake hard and everyone joins in, that every citizen really pulls this emergency brake", she continues on the measures such as a ban on contact and exit restrictions - Brinkmann: "The harder we pull, the faster we get control back . Then we just come to the point where we overload the healthcare system. "

However, another approach to combating corona is addressed in the show, a delicate point of view.

Corona crisis: There is increasing discussion about herd immunity

For days, the term herd immunity has been mentioned in the discussion about the coronavirus. This simply means that if a large part of the population has survived an infection and is consequently immune to the pathogen, fewer and fewer fellow citizens can be infected.

Brinkmann makes a recommendation - not to rely on it. "We know that the patients have an immune response. They form antibodies and have immune protection, but we don't know how long this will last, ”explains the 46-year-old academic. “We have only known this virus since mid-January and, of course, cannot yet say whether the patients have been immune for a lifetime or a year or two. It is now assumed that they will be protected for a year or two. "

"Disease of Society"? Virologist advises against this in the corona crisis

Ehni provocatively refers to a "infection of society". Ergo that you let the virus run free and at the same time the protection focuses on the old. Brinkmann is clearly struggling with this thesis.

"This is under discussion. That's true. Experts are talking about it. But given the numbers and the age distribution among the patients, I don't think that's a good idea, ”she says:“ I tend to rely on the science that builds the bridge so that the train doesn't go into the abyss. ”


* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Corona-News: Another person died of Covid-19 in Munich. In the meantime, coronavirus patients are occasionally flown from Germany to Italy.

In Austria, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz wants to advance the tests against the insidious virus. And in Baden-Württemberg, according to Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, the "red alert" prevails in the corona crisis.

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