The Limited Times

High Court strives for regime system | Israel today

3/24/2020, 10:48:39 PM


The Knesset and the government are supposed to be governed by the same majority • The regime's regime has changed - and the state can be controlled by a Knesset with a counter-chairman • Opinion

According to the High Court, the Speaker of the Knesset has to cast a vote today on the Knesset plenary to elect a new chairman. Contrary to various allegations raised by reporters and "volunteer volunteers" of the justice system, this is a very precedent for the High Court in the authority of the chairman. As far as I know, this is the first time the High Court has given the Speaker a Knesset order in time.

Netanyahu and Gantz sworn to 23rd Knesset before empty plenary // Photo: Knesset channel

Although the Knesset's rules allow the Speaker of the Knesset discretion over a period of several weeks, the High Court judges ruled that any rejection beyond today is prohibited. Needless to say, this court order has no source in law or bylaws. But as always, Supreme Court rulings are troubling not only because of the present case, but because of their precedent.

The Supreme Court's rulings should be read as the supreme lawmaker's habit for the next takeover of another center of power. The Israeli regime's method is not built to function in a situation of an opposing Knesset that does not work in coordination and cooperation with the government. There are countries in the world whose method is appropriate and includes different balances.

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In the US, for example, the president, the executive branch, can veto legislation or act through presidential decrees. In other countries, the executive branch has the option to dissolve parliament and go on elections to maintain its capacity to act.

In Israel, we simultaneously elect the Knesset and the government, which are supposed to be ruled together by the same coalition majority. For example, if the Speaker of the Knesset can delay budget hearings in the plenum, under his authority, he could cause the Budget Law to not pass on time and to run for elections, although there is a majority who is interested in approving the budget and continuing the Knesset's term.

The court changed the Israeli regime without public debate and vapors. The State of Israel, as of today, can be ruled by a Knesset with its chairman.

What is the solution the High Court judges chose for the same situation they created? "It is strong for anyone elected to serve as a permanent Knesset chairman to fulfill his role in statehood, in accordance with the law, the practice and procedures that have taken shape in the Knesset. Even if the party members whose seats he comes sit on the opposition benches." .

And what if they didn't? Who will instruct the Knesset Speaker on how to act? What will we do then, when the Speaker of the Knesset "barricades himself in his office"?

The High Court judges did not write this, but it is clear to them that the solution will be additional petitions, this time ordering the Speaker of the Knesset to act "state". Or we will then get a series of rulings that explain to us how in the opinion of the High Court judges should act in state, and what is proper management of the legislature.

The verdict ends with the trial of the Vice President, a waiter, who can only be understood as mocking sarcasm. "I have nothing but the hope that the lessons will be learned, and that we will no longer be required for such petitions in the future."

The truth is the exact opposite. The ruling, if not overturned, will lead to many more petitions, which will rule the court over the administration of the Knesset.

Apparently, this is exactly the power the High Court is interested in. Until the ruling, one and only one country in the world, Iran, gave the Constitutional Guard Board control over parliament and its proceedings. The Supreme Court ruling, which has no basis in law, In the by-laws or the Basic Law, the Knesset deliberation dates also put Israel into this dubious club.

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