The Limited Times

Magicians lend their tricks to adults with children at home

3/24/2020, 5:18:33 PM

Luis Piedrahita or Jorge Blass teach how to do magic with apples, coins and cards.

After more than a week of painting rainbows, making chocolate cookies, watching Frozen and Frozen 2, and playing See and See or Hide and Seek in English, games and activities with children may start to become repetitive. If so, take a look at these 42 ideas that we proposed a few days ago for children to entertain themselves. If you have already exploited them all, here is another: magic from the hand of Luis Piedrahita. The magician has come to the aid of those adults who no longer know how to entertain the little ones in the house. To become his apprentice, it is enough to have things as normal as a pair of ear buds, a band-aid, scissors, dice, or an apple. Then, take a look at his Instagram account and leave children and adults, even for a few moments, speechless.

“The idea came up when we realized that this situation is a torpedo on the families' waterline. If the children are not entertained, it can become hell, ”says Verne the magician. Piedrahita publishes a video entitled "Magic at home" every day with very simple games for parents to learn. “The problem is that a normal adult has a limited repertoire. I, in my years as a magician, have come across hundreds of games, puzzles and tricks that can help in this situation ”. How can an ear stick travel from one hand to the other? If we stick a stick on each thumb and move our hands with the skill that Piedrahita teaches, we can make sure that they are never seen at the same time, but one or the other, and thus it seems that the stick moves from one hand to the other. other.

See this post on Instagram

A shared post by LUIS PIEDRAHITA (@piedrahitaluis) on Mar 21, 2020 at 5:09 PDT

"My children are freaking out with me," a follower of the magician writes in the comments on one of the videos. Piedrahita also thinks that unveiling these ingenious effects can help spark some children's love of magic. Teaching is the mission of the online school Instituto de Magia, from where these days the illusionist Borja Montón offers live shows for the whole family through Instagram and free classes. This Friday he asked those who were following his show to write on cards some dream or plan that they wanted to make when the quarantine passes. After cutting the cards, shuffling them, even hiding pieces, finally Montón was left with two parts that formed a desire, “to play golf”. Some of those who followed this trick by networks sent the magician the cards they had managed to join. They could read "give hugs", "eat together" or "go to the field."

See this post on Instagram

A shared post by Borja Montón (@dominalamagia) on Mar 20, 2020 at 2:13 PDT

And if these days are celebrating music or poetry festivals, the world of magic has also brought together its own. From the Abracadabra Foundation they have launched a magic festival in which more than 50 magicians participate, with Jorge Blass at the head. Every day they do shows or workshops through live shows on Instagram. Last week Blass himself brought out his deck of cards on the screen and surprised even the assistants who connected from their homes, such as Lidia San José, to whom Blass guessed the letter he had thought because it appeared written in "the good most precious ”these days, a roll of toilet paper. An emoji is enough to portray what face the actress had left: 😲

To continue the magic:

- The Magic Studio YouTube channel

-The tricks of Julio Ribera

-Magic 52 kards, Inject 2 or Magic Tricks apps

- Master the magic

-The YouTube videos of Domina la Magia

-The Instagram account of the Abracadabra Foundation

-The Ellusionist channel

-Hacks for kids to become magicians

-Videos of Juan Tamariz. Piedrahita himself has recommended it to Verne.

-This magician also shares his tricks on Instagram

Without Leaving the Salon is a series of topics in which we tell how we stay active while we are at home in the midst of the coronavirus crisis thanks to the initiatives promoted by social networks:

-Festivals and concerts

-Yoga, pilates, crossfit ... and almost any sport

-Online and collaborative table games

-Child stories

-Confinement kitchen 'made in' Andoni Aduriz or Cristina Oria

Since you're here ...

... In this guide to action against coronavirus you can find answers to know what to do when you suspect it, how to prevent it or how to act if you are infected.

... Here you can follow the virus progression in Spain updated and here, in the world.

... We have spoken to some couples who are separated by confinement.

... And here we give you options of books, movies, theater and even free music festivals that are being organized these days to be entertained without leaving home.

... You can follow the latest news about the coronavirus in the live of EL PAÍS.

* You can also follow us on Instagram and Flipboard. Don't miss the best of Verne!