The Limited Times

Neither law nor trial: the High Court is interesting

3/24/2020, 10:33:28 PM

Jacob Bardugo

At the end of 2016, Supreme Court President Miriam Naor cut off contact from Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: "Placing gun on table." In a sharp letter, Miriam Naor announced to the Justice Minister that the talks were being finalized regarding Supreme Court candidates. The reason: The Supreme Court veto veto bill in the Judiciary Committee.

According to President Naor, Minister Shaked did not formally initiate the bill, but she did not oppose it and did not protest when presented with the media as having initiated it. Accordingly, the President said in a harsh letter, to her taste, that it was "putting a gun on the table" while announcing that the Supreme Court justices would end the talks with the minister. "This situation does not allow us, the Supreme Court judges, who are members of the Judiciary Committee, to continue with you in the course of consultations and early attempts to reach consensus," Naor writes, adding that this way cannot be acted upon as the decision rules may change "while on the move." Accordingly, Judges Rubinstein and Jubran said in the opinion of the committee that "we do not intend to continue with you at this time in early discussions and consultations," and that everyone will act within the committee in a matter of law and law.

The President of the Supreme Court did not take action in contravention of the law and the rules, but employed improper methods to prevent the Legislature from enacting a law that could diminish the power and influence of the Supreme Court justices.

It has been four years since the gun battle, as the Supreme Court president put it, and now the Supreme Judges have pressed the gun trigger even before putting it on the table aimed at the Legislature, July Edelstein.

Last night, Supreme Court President Esther Hayes sent a question to the Speaker of the Knesset - whether he is ready to raise the proposal to elect a permanent Knesset chairman on the Knesset's agenda as soon as possible and no later than Wednesday, March 25, 2020. For the purpose of his answer, the President allocated a few hours and in the same breath emphasized that her request was sent before the judges decided the petition and their words "without setting rivets".

Speaker of the Knesset, Yuli Edelstein, respected the President's request, and as he was scheduled to dispatch his reasoned three-page position, he concluded: The political situation. Hopefully this will happen in the shortest time. "

It was not easy for a while, and the Supreme Court sent all the media the verdict that desecrated democracy in Israel, a judgment that was ready and cashed for dispatch before the Supreme Court's appeal to the Speaker of the Knesset.

Not only did the Supreme Court justices throw sand in the eyes of the Speaker of the Knesset and the public, stating that they "did not set rivets" and did not decide on the petition, but also did not bother to refer to any claim made by the Speaker of the Knesset in his response to them as requested.

That's how the judges play in the political sandbox for years to preserve their superiority and power.

We are in a very difficult time in the world in general and in the country in particular in the light of the corona epidemic that does not miss anyone. As for him. Some argue, contrary to my position, that the Supreme Court ruling last night was right, but it certainly wasn't wise. At least half of the nation's citizens lost their trust in the court, a trust that was previously low.

It is to be hoped and prayed that the balance between the authorities of government will return to its proper place, and beautiful one hour before.

For more views of Jacob Bardugo