The Limited Times

Report of the 2020 Olympics: "A wise decision" for Allison Pineau

3/24/2020, 7:12:22 PM

The international of the French handball team took the time to tell Figaro its sentiment after the announcement of the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics to 2021.

Allison, is it a relief to have the certainty that the Olympic Games will not be held this summer in Tokyo?
Allison Pineau: Yes. It is good to know. This will allow everyone to see further and act accordingly. It is a wise decision. After, I admit that there are still ten days, it seemed imaginable to see the Games shifted but when we see the evolution of the epidemic, there is no doubt that it is the best decision.

Was the best decision to shift by one year or just two or three months?
At first, I thought that to postpone the Games by a month or two maximum, that could be enough to fix things. Except that today, we have no vision as to the end of this health crisis. Other countries are starting to take containment measures. I have seen, for example, that today in New York, some people are calling for complete national confinement. So if countries take this type of precaution, the IOC also had to do the same. 2021 seemed a wiser solution because it allows those who were not yet qualified to be able to do it more calmly. And more importantly, whether for us, athletes, or for the public, this will allow us to enjoy these Games in the best conditions. By shifting them just two months, we don't know in what condition the athletes would have done them. What we want is a real universal sports festival and so it's better like that.

In your daily life, will this postponement also allow you to better manage containment?
Yes, there is more serenity. I worry less about what state I will be in when I go back to competition. There will be no obligation to be on top very quickly, the recovery may be more gradual after a period where finally, we will have done nothing but maintain ourselves physically. This also leaves the door open for the federations to hope to finish the season, without being pressed by the Olympic calendar.

One more year in the life of an athlete, however, is not trivial. Is this a concern for you?
No, because I didn't plan to stop after the Tokyo Games, even if you never know what will be done tomorrow. I live day to day with this situation. I imagine that for athletes or sportswomen who were planning to stop after the Games, it will not be easy to plan for another year. Many parameters will be taken into account. But today, more than ever, it is health that counts above all.

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