The Limited Times

Six weeks confinement? The scientific committee recommends it, Véran speaks of "estimation"

3/24/2020, 7:09:57 PM

If the duration of confinement will certainly be extended, the executive has not yet determined the terms.

He recommends "at least six weeks" in all. The scientific council of the executive on the Covid-19 considered "essential to prolong the confinement" beyond the two weeks initially planned, in a notice published on Tuesday to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

"The confinement will probably last at least six weeks from its establishment" on March 17, writes the Council, which also says "consider it necessary to strengthen the confinement", without commenting on the exact terms.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, spoke of "an estimate". "This answer, we do not have it," he stressed at the exit of the Elysée. Containment can only be lifted when the epidemic curve allows. This is the basic principle. Containment has a vocation, it is to protect the French. As long as it has to last, it will last. "

"Confinement is currently the only really operational strategy, the alternative of a large-scale screening and isolation policy for detected persons not being feasible at the national level for the moment, confirm the members of the council . Containment must be strictly implemented and have the broad support of the population, as this seems to be the case. "

"Three weeks" necessary to judge its impact

Regarding its duration, they also stress that "three weeks [...] are necessary to obtain a first estimate of its impact".

An exit decision "may be taken on the basis of epidemiological indicators indicating in particular that the saturation of hospital services, and resuscitation services in particular, is controlled. The government will also have to ensure that the elements of a post-containment strategy are operational. The scientific council will soon issue an opinion on the containment exit strategy. "

The members also issue an "alert point" on "the real or perceived shortage of various types of equipment, starting with essential health protection equipment".

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They recommend that "the public authorities show complete transparency and clarity, in order to answer the questions that hospitals and caregivers are asking about the existing stocks and how the services will be supplied".