The Limited Times

The Saga of the Joint List: Blue and White and the Curse of the State Flag | Israel today

3/24/2020, 11:30:22 PM


Blue and White gave the Knesset committee a joint list of terrorist victims • Deposition of the committee in their hands, worse than giving a party of sex offenders to deal with their victims • The only way to protest the disgrace of the flag is to join a unity government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu • Opinion

Who swears to take an object before the elections that will never form a government with the support of the joint Arab list? Who was offended, really offended, by the questions that journalists put to him about this and even scolded them for stopping the lies? Who explained after the election that "they (the joint) will vote once from the outside and then it will end"? And what will he say now, when Blue and White jointly heads a Knesset committee, among its other business - dealing with victims of terrorism!

President Rivlin meets with Gantz and Netanyahu // Photo: Roy Abraham, Recorder: Yossi Cohen

Interestingly, some blue-and-white voters are familiar with the agenda of some of my fellow members on the issue of terrorism. After all, Hiba Yazbak is not alone. Alongside the Knesset that crowned Samir Kuntar, the murderer of Danny Haran and the skull of his four-year-old daughter; next to the picture of Dalal Mograbi, the murderer of the 34 Israelis on the coastal road, Yizbak wrote: "All the resistance women will be blessed - along with others.

Ahmad Tibi with his martyrs speech, who served as Yasser Arafat's advisor, and regards the martyr as "the glory of the glory" and "the pioneer," such as "sketching in his blood the way to freedom and liberation" and even believes that "there is no greater value than the martyr". See the Palestinian media report on Tibi, which has been documenting the "moderate" MK's repertoire over the years.) And Ayman Odeh, who defined Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as "a model of loyalty and sacrifice" and other collaborators who met with terrorists or With their families, and one of the MKs there, who called Ayelet Shaked "Neo-Nazi scumbag" and Avigdor Lieberman "Adolf's descendant".

More on:

• Netanyahu to Gantz: "Let's meet now and establish a government today"

• Ya'alon against Netanyahu: "dictatorship in the making"

• Expanding cockpit cracks: Gantz and Ashkenazi against Torch and Ya'alon

• Gantz attacks Netanyahu and Edelstein on arrest of protesters: "Crushing Democracy"

And there are several other "moderate" MKs there who can now deal with the rehabilitation of disabled and wounded soldiers and terrorist victims: Joseph Jabrain and Aida Toma Sliman and again Ayman Odeh, who are signed to some of the visionary documents of Israeli Arabs. "Because blue and white - require such wording and other emphasis to abolish the blue and white flag of the State of Israel to cancel our anthem," Hope, "to abolish the state of Israel as a Jewish state and repeal not only the Nationality Law but also the Law of Return.

What do you say now - Benny Gantz, Moshe Ya'alon and Gabi Ashkenazi? (El Torch probably no longer has any reason to speak). Your connection with the common, it turns out, is awful in itself, not fleeting and momentary, but mostly - as journalist Kalman Libeskind put it well, it is "not a connection between two legitimate positions, but a connection between good and evil. Between those who believe in our right to a Jewish state and those who fight it. "Among those who think that Jewish murderers are martyrs to those who see them as a bitter enemy.

What a pity we didn't make a mistake when we "slandered" you as "left." It's a shame we didn't go wrong when we warned against your political attachment to the "haters of Israel." Depositing the commission, which will deal with victims of terrorism, among others, by a party whose members are either amateurs or sympathizers - is worse than letting a party of thieves take care of their victims, a party of tax evaders to reform the IRS, and even a party of sex offenders to take care of their victims. Because Palestinian terrorism is not an ordinary crime but a crime aimed at our national and physical elimination here.

The only way now to protest a little of the disgrace you have put on the blue-and-white flag and all it signifies is to connect this real emergency to a unity government led by Benjamin Netanyahu. There your natural partners sit, not in the list that negates the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and tries to undermine its foundations.