The Limited Times

The tests have determined: The hospitalized hospital is not ill-equipped in Corona Israel today

3/24/2020, 3:31:02 PM

Good news from the hospital • Three tests performed on the two-month-old who are hospitalized have shown - he is not infected with the virus

Good news from the hospital Shaare Zedek • Three tests performed on the two-month-old hospitalized hospital showed - he did not contract the virus • All premature tests he had at his side - Proper • "All steps were taken even before the case to protect the premature babies," said the hospital

At the hospital gates Shaare Zedek is now breathing wide: Three new tests for the two-month-old Peg, who is hospitalized in serious condition - returned with a negative result to Corona.

Photo: Ministry of Health

A premature premature pregnancy complication had a preliminary examination in an external laboratory whose results were borderline in terms of values, and the hospital decided to aggravate and carry out further tests: two additional tests in the hospital's corona lab returned negative and another examination in the central laboratory at Tel Hashomer Hospital also came with a result . In addition, the hospital emphasizes that all the premature babies who were in the vicinity were examined and the results returned to normal.

More on:

• For the first time in Israel: Pegas, two months old, is infected with Corona, his condition is difficult

• Second death from Corona in Israel: 67-year-old died at Wolfson Hospital

• Distribution of the infected: What are the leading ages?

• Is there a cocktail to beat the Corona?

"In the case of the gates of justice, strict attention will be given to the Ministry of Health's instructions on the treatment of premature babies and protection and all steps have been taken even before the case to protect the premature. Work is now being done with the Ministry of Health regarding the release of the staffs who were instructed to enter the isolation," Shaare Zedek said.

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