The Limited Times

Virus hiding places in the household: You should clean these spots more often

3/24/2020, 4:21:28 PM

Whether coronavirus, flu or just flu infections - cleanliness and hygiene are crucial for you to stay healthy. Here you should brush more.

Whether coronavirus, flu or just flu infections - cleanliness and hygiene are crucial for you to stay healthy. Here you should brush more.

  • The wave of diseases is currently spreading all over Germany.
  • We protect ourselves from germs on the go and in the office.
  • But pathogens are also hidden in our own four walls.

Cleaning expert Roxanna Pelka from Helpling, the agency portal for cleaning staff, knows which parts of the household we seldom clean and explains how we naturally remove germs .

Viruses in the household - used daily, but rarely cleaned: light switches, doorknobs, etc.

We handle door handles, handles and light switches a number of times, and not always with perfectly clean hands. We clean the surfaces far too rarely. So the germs literally put the handle on their hands. The consequences: Cold viruses can survive on the surfaces for between one and 24 hours , long-lasting viruses even for several weeks. Therefore, clean these areas regularly ( weekly during the cold period) with a dab of vinegar on a damp cleaning cloth. The disinfectant effect of the vinegar kills the germs.

Number one germ incubator: the towel

True colonies of bacteria abound in our towels *. The reason: we don't always wash all the bacteria off our hands. These then get into the moist cotton fibers. In this environment, the microorganisms multiply rapidly. Especially in weddings, where there are many viruses and germs, you should change your towels every 3 days and wash them at 60 degrees .

Read more: Cleaning and descaling - These tips with vinegar essence are priceless

Viruses in the bathroom - the dirtiest place in the bathroom: the tap

According to an American study, the tap * in the bathroom is the area with the highest bacterial density! This is mainly due to the fact that we touch it immediately after going to the toilet . So the more we wash our hands, the dirtier the tap gets - paradoxical! Therefore, clean the tap once a week with bathroom cleaner. You should pay special attention to the back and the hinges.

Quickly zapped and infected: the remote control

When was the last time you cleaned your remote control? Caught! Due to the irregular cleaning, there are numerous germs and viruses on it, which are wonderfully attached to the buttons and in the small cracks. Use the remote control and then grab the snack plate and put the pathogens directly into your mouth. Therefore: Put a few drops of vinegar on a damp cloth (it should not be too wet, otherwise the electronics will be damaged) and wipe the buttons. Clean the gaps with a cotton swab soaked in vinegar .

Viruses on the mobile phone - contaminated with one touch: the mobile phone display

We use our cell phone an average of 85 times a day. These are enough opportunities to put germs directly on the display, warns cleaning expert Roxanna Pelka from Helpling. Up to 100 different bacteria have been found on smartphones - in times of disease waves it can be even more! So that your smartphone does not become a bacteria spinner: Clean your display and the back every day with a damp cloth, on which you have previously given disinfectant vinegar essence.

Also interesting: Be sure to replace these cleaning utensils before spring cleaning - otherwise it will be free

Often overlooked when cleaning: the toilet flush button

We clean the toilet * so meticulously that it is one of the cleanest places in the household. But this does not apply to one place: the flush button. There are countless germs here! Because we only wash our hands after using the toilet, we transfer all germs directly to the conditioner - including intestinal bacteria, flu viruses and cold germs. Therefore: Clean the conditioner at least once a week with a bath cleaner and of course wash your hands for at least 30 seconds after use.

Infested with germs and still used: the toothbrush

The rule of thumb is to change the toothbrush every three months. However, if you have just had a cold or flu, an immediate change is essential ! Germs settle in the moist bristles and multiply rapidly. So it can actually happen that you get infected again!

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Who uses home remedies in this way aggravates the dirt

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Monika Skolimowska

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