The Limited Times

[New Crown Pneumonia] The hotline nurse of the Department of Health broke the news: lack of manpower, no coordination, some people demanded brutality

3/25/2020, 11:42:22 PM

The outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) has continued. Hong Kong has implemented a number of entry restrictions, including compulsory quarantine for 14 days after entering the country from outside the mainland, Taiwan, and Macau. The Department of Health has set up a hotline "21251122" to allow the quarantine person to ask for help in case of symptoms, but the number has also changed to the "Tuhui Hotline". Some people have reported people who have gone out illegally with a hand strap. The nurses who answered the hotline of the Health Protection Center of the Department of Health during an interview with "Hong Kong 01" revealed that the hotline staff was only about 70 people. The shortage of staff was serious. The government department lacked communication and could not handle the needs of all quarantine personnel. Can refer them to the police, stressing not accepting the report. The staff member also pointed out that many callers demanded ruthlessness and urged the public to have empathy for epidemic prevention and reduce the need to go out to help medical care.

Social News

Written by: Golden Chess

2020-03-26 07:30

Last updated: 2020-03-26 07:30

The outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) has continued. Hong Kong has implemented a number of entry restrictions, including compulsory quarantine for 14 days after entering the country from outside the mainland, Taiwan, and Macau. The Department of Health has set up a hotline "21251122" to allow the quarantine person to ask for help in case of symptoms, but the number has also changed to the "Tuhui Hotline". Some people have reported people who have gone out illegally with a hand strap.

The nurses who answered the hotline of the Health Protection Center of the Department of Health during an interview with "Hong Kong 01" revealed that the hotline staff was only about 70 people. The shortage of staff was serious. The government department lacked communication and could not handle the needs of all quarantine personnel. Can refer them to the police, stressing not accepting the report. The staff member also pointed out that many callers demanded ruthlessness and urged the public to have empathy for epidemic prevention and reduce the need to go out to help medical care.

All departments deployed staff to listen to the phone and 70 people served tens of thousands of quarantine persons

Kerry (pseudonym), a staff member of the Department of Health, was a government nurse. Since the end of January, she has been transferred to be a "telephone operator" to answer hotline calls from quarantine personnel. Kerry said that currently there are only about 70 staff members in the hotline, who can answer calls in four minutes, but a call can talk for up to an hour. In the case of insufficient staff, it often happens that the hotline cannot be reached. Kerry said that the authorities have deployed staff to answer hotlines from different service departments of the Department of Health, so some services such as maternal and child health centers may be affected.

There is really no coordination between the Department of Health and the police. Violations of the quarantine order are criminal, and the police are not used. We do not want to report people to write down the phone number of the suspect. However, when I saw someone on the street, I knew the address and phone number, so the Department of Health had no choice. Many people yelled, "The police called the Department of Health." The high-level officials allowed me to yell at 999, but it turned out that I was stumped to get rid of it. The hotline, at the end of the call, called the public to call the police directly.

Department of Health Hotline Kerry

Helpline becomes helpless

Pictures from time to time on the Internet recently show that suspected quarantine persons have gone out in violation of the quarantine order. Kerry admits that a large number of telephone calls have been made to the hotline recently to report those who violated the quarantine order. However, Kerry said that violations of the quarantine order were criminal and the authorities would not arrest them. Therefore, the reporters must call the police.

Kerry recounted that some of the reporters had called the police, but the police asked to report to the Department of Health. Kerry believes that it reflects the lack of communication between the police and the Department of Health and has reported the problem to senior management. The authorities have clarified to staff that the Department of Health will not accept the report and will ask the reporter to call the police.

▼ March 24, Tsuen Wan quarantine personnel went out illegally ▼




Airport staff asked passengers to call DH for sample vials

Many citizens have complained that different departments have different opinions. Kerry believes that there is a serious lack of coordination between government departments, and the quarantine policy is anxious to implement inadequate support. For example, Kerry pointed out that the authorities provided sample bottles at the airport to collect deep throat saliva samples for virus testing. Some people who had arrived in Hong Kong had not obtained the sample bottles. They asked the airport staff department if they could take them again. Hotline collection, but in fact, this bottle can no longer be sampled after leaving the restricted area, which made the public dissatisfied.

▼ Latest Round of Epidemic Prevention Measures ▼




Many people do not have the consequences, and ask everyone to travel well and party in the morning, but until they become close contacts, they call and make trouble. When you are in love with Lin Zheng, you have to exercise self-discipline. Social health and health depend on everyone's self-discipline.

Department of Health Hotline Kerry

Call and complain about Lin Zheng a minute

Kerry also said that many people calling the hotline were barbaric, some had nothing to do with the Department of Health, and some even just complained by calling. For example, Kerry pointed out that after the government announced the list of quarantine buildings, it received many phone inquiries asking for the exact address of the quarantine unit. However, the authorities would not disclose it because of privacy issues. ".

Some people have also complained to Hot Green that there is water seepage in the apartment unit upstairs. They are worried that the household has pneumonia and asked the Department of Health to handle it. However, Kerry emphasized that the hotline will only provide medical support and will not deal with related issues. "The most outrageous thing is that there is no compassion. Compare heart to heart. If the diagnosed person is you or your family, would you order it?"

Kerry said that someone called the helpline and scolded Lin Zheng for a minute, making it impossible for other people in need to call. Kerry also reminded the public to reduce the number of gatherings. "Social health and health depend on everyone's self-discipline."

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New Crown Pneumonia Department of Health Center for Health Protection