The Limited Times

A hospital and Chinese doctors in Ancona

3/25/2020, 7:15:46 PM

Within three days, a field hospital in the Marche will be built from China in which 50 doctors, 80 nurses and 30 technicians will work, all from the Asian country. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ANCONA, MARCH 25 - A field hospital in the Marche region will be built from China in three days, in which 50 doctors, 80 nurses and 30 technicians all from the Asian country will work. This was announced by the head of the emergencies of the Civil Protection Luigi D'Angelo underlining that they are all health workers and experts who "have worked in Wuhan and who will be able to bring an important experience". The structure, the president of the Marche Region Luca Ceriscioli told ANSA will be positioned in the area of ​​the Torrette hospital in Ancona. It will host about sixty beds of sub intensive and intensive therapy. Between Torrette and Chinese healthcare there is a "ten-year relationship that has intensified in the last five years": every year Chinese health workers come to Ancona for special training courses. "We are very happy, it is an important signal of attention" adds Ceriscioli, who was informed of the mission this morning.

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