The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Campbell post De Luca 'send flamethrower'

3/25/2020, 4:27:22 PM

'Listen, America listen' exhortation, to stay at home (ANSA)

"Listen, America, listen". That is, "Listen, America, listen". Naomi Campbell, on Instagram, posts a video with Vincenzo De Luca, taking a passage from one of his videos on Facebook, by the governor of Campania in which he threatens to send "the carabinieri with the flamethrower" to any graduation parties during the period of isolation for the containment of the Coronavirus epidemic.

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Listen America Listen! @rulajebreal: “I LOVE ITALIANS! Their sprit, creativity, souls, their courage, resilience, passion & compassion. This is the updated compilation of Italian Mayors losing it at people violating # Covid19 quarantine: I stopped him and said, 'Look, this isn't a movie. You are not Will Smith in I Am Legend. Go home. ' And, Yes, subtitles are accurate. "

A post shared by Naomi Campbell (@naomi) on: 24 Mar 2020 at 5:59 PDT

Campbell uses De Luca's invective against the 'violators' of her anti-coronavirus ordinances as an exhortation for Americans to stay home. The top model, together with the president of the Campania Region, inserts in the same post the interventions of some Italian mayors who are adopting very rigid measures to avoid the spread of the contagion. There are the mayor of Messina, Cateno De Luca, the first citizen of Bari, Antonio De Caro, that of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Falcomatà, all struggling with citizens who do not comply with the ordinances issued.