The Limited Times

Coronavirus the cry of De Luca: 'The South one step away from drama'

3/25/2020, 7:06:40 PM

'From Rome zero supplies'. Sos also from the president of the Puglia region Emiliano 'everything is missing' (ANSA)

When encouraging signals arrive from the North with the total number of infections decreasing, the 'Coronavirus bomb' is likely to explode in the South. It is not so much the current numbers that are concerned, still very far from those of Lombardy and the other worst affected regions. by the virus, how much the ability of the health structures of the South to keep up with a wave of cases that could arrive in the next few days, when experts believe that the South may pay duty to the descent in the last two weeks of tens of thousands of people return from the North.
Above all because - it is the denunciation of the governors of Campania and Puglia - the necessary medical devices would have not yet arrived from Rome so as not to fight the virus with bare hands.
The alarm cry launched by the governor of Campania De Luca who wrote to Prime Minister Conte goes in this direction: "The reference to smaller numbers of contagion in the North - he underlines - risks erasing completely the fact that not only the crisis is not by way of solution, but that in the South is about to explode dramatically. The next ten days will be hell for us. We are on the eve of a very serious expansion of the contagion, bordering on sustainable ".

And down with the data: "Zero pulmonary ventilators; zero P3 masks; zero medical protective devices. Against a commitment to initially send 225 fans out of the 400 required, and 621 C-PAP helmets, nothing has arrived " .
From Campania to Puglia, from De Luca to Emiliano, the leitmotif is the same: "I asked the government to urgently have supplies of Dpi, protective devices and even reagents to increase the swabs in the laboratory" he writes on his Facebook page the Apulian governor. "Now even here in Puglia we need our part and I had to tell him firmly", he adds. Puglia also asked for 220 fans and monitors and received only nine.

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