The Limited Times

Liga MX rejects possibility of reducing player salaries

3/25/2020, 10:30:34 PM

Given the constant rumors that the teams would seek to retain the percentage of the footballer's salary, the league denied such assurances.

Liga MX is suspended until further notice due to the situation of the coronavirus that Mexico is going through. Given this, the possibility that the teams seek to reduce the salaries of the players as they return to activity has been mentioned . However, the league itself rejected this possibility after assuring that the subject has never been touched.

Through a statement published on social networks, Liga MX expressed its position on these situations: "In the face of the indications in some media that have speculated about the possibility that Liga MX seeks to retain a percentage of the salaries of the players of the Clubs, Liga MX / Ascenso MX declares that there is no proposal in this regard . "


At the moment, Liga MX does not consider reducing the salary of the players due to the crisis by # COVID2019.

- AS MĂ©xico (@ASMexico) March 25, 2020

"As an industry we know and respect the legal framework and, of course, we understand our social responsibility in the difficult time our country is experiencing, " states the statement issued by Liga MX.

Liga MX clubs are analyzing economic contingency plans for the coronavirus situation . For this reason, it was mentioned that they would mainly seek to reduce the salaries of some of the stars of the teams, in order to cope with the economic losses generated by the fact that there is no Mexican soccer in these weeks. However, the league issued its stance.

Salary reduction is legally feasible

On the other hand, AS MĂ©xico chatted with Ricardo Galicia , lawyer specialized in Sports Law, and explained that according to the Federal Labor Law in articles 427 and 429 , workers' wages can be reduced for a period of one month.

This would have to be established in an agreement between the parties where the terms of the duration of the measure will be clearly established. Finally, he clarified that these articles have never been applied in Mexico.