The Limited Times

Sao Paulo airport is enabled to facilitate the return of Chileans to the country

3/25/2020, 9:34:03 PM

The Chilean Foreign Minister, Teodoro Ribera Neumann, said at a press conference on Wednesday that with talks with the Brazilian foreign minister, they have reached an agreement so that the ...

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1 of 8 | The Johns Hopkins University coronavirus case map is updated in real time as more cases are confirmed by global health agencies. This was the map on February 13: focus on Asia. Look at the gallery →

2 of 8 | February 25: the coronavirus begins to spread to more places in the world

3 of 8 | March 2: The coronavirus is on all continents except Antarctica and causes an unprecedented emergency in Italy. That day, closure was decreed in most Lombardy towns.

4 of 8 | March 9: On that day, shares in the stock markets and oil prices fell. That day Italy was in full closure.

5 out of 8 | March 13: Trump declares a national emergency.

6 out of 8 | March 16: Cases multiply in the United States.

7 of 8 | March 23: The Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering changed the graphing: Due to the multiplication of cases, the circles are more refined to show specific places.

8 of 8 | March 24: the pandemic around the world. The Olympic Games are canceled.

(CNN Spanish) - The Chilean Foreign Minister, Teodoro Ribera Neumann, said at a press conference this Wednesday that with conversations with the Brazilian foreign minister, they have reached an agreement for the Sao Paulo airport to be used as an airport transit for the return of all Chileans to the country.

Ribera Neumann indicated that this will make it easier for flights from Africa, the Middle East or Europe to stop in Sao Paulo and then continue on to Chile.

The minister also said that he is in talks with several airlines to return the money to Chileans who bought travel tickets to different parts of the world and that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, they will not be able to comply with the itineraries.

Facing the possibility of using FACH planes to return to compatriots who are outside the country, Ribera Neumann said that they do not rule out the idea but that this plane only has a capacity for 200 people. The minister indicated that it would be better used to
travel to China and bring supplies, such as medical materials, to "better prepare ourselves, contain and deal with the coronavirus."
