The Limited Times

Symptoms of fever for Borrelli, the press conference of 6 pm confirmed

3/25/2020, 5:12:22 PM

The head of civil protection will miss the press conference. Subject to a new swab, the outcome of the exam is expected (ANSA)

Angelo Borrelli, head of the Civil Protection, accused feverish symptoms this morning while the operating committee was underway . According to what is learned, the commissioner has been made a new swab for coronavirus after the negative one of a few days ago and expects the result of the examination. Borrelli, says a note from the Department of Civil Protection, after accusing the feverish symptoms he immediately left the headquarters of the Department in via Vitorchiano in Rome.


The press conference scheduled for 6 pm and initially canceled was then confirmed . This is stated in a note from the Civil Protection. "In order to ensure continuous and timely information on the Coronavirus emergency, contrary to what was previously communicated, a press conference will be held at the Civil Protection headquarters in Via Vitorchiano 2 in Rome, to update the activities of the civil protection system. Luigi D'Angelo, Operational Director of the Civil Protection Department will speak at the press conference "

Guido Bertolaso, the former head of civil protection called by the president of Lombardy Attilio Fontana as consultant for the project of the new hospital at the fair, was admitted to the San Raffaele hospital in Milan . This is learned from sources in the region. Just yesterday Bertolaso ​​announced he had a fever and tested positive for Coronavirus.

The former head of Civil Protection has been at San Raffaele since yesterday and his conditions have remained stable in the last 24 hours, there have been no deteriorations. According to reports from sources close to him, he has only a few lines of fever and was already subjected yesterday to a plate to the lungs, which are 'clean'. Bertolaso ​​is however kept under observation with frequent examinations and will spend the quarantine at San Raffaele.