The Limited Times

The digital Mary Poppins

3/25/2020, 5:42:50 PM

TV and theater star Caroline Peters reads for students every day in corona times via Instagram. This year she should play the Buhlschaft at the Salzburg Festival - and still believes that it will work.

TV and theater star Caroline Peters reads for students every day in corona times via Instagram. This year she should play the Buhlschaft at the Salzburg Festival - and still believes that it will work.

Everyone speaks of “social distancing” - these two do something about it. No, actress Caroline Peters and children's book author Sibylle Luig do not resist the exit stop and happily fall into the arms of every stroller. But they resist the English term. Because in free translation, what in German means "spatial distancing" sounds like an invitation to social isolation. "In times like these, we don't need social distancing, but the opposite: social interaction!" Says Peters. Since Monday, she has been showing on Instagram what that can look like. In a word: magical.


Invites you to make yourself comfortable: Caroline Peters reads aloud on Instagram every day. Your listeners are - as the comments show - enthusiastic.

© Screenshot: Katja Kraft

The 48-year-old will also read carolinepetersliest from 11 to 11.45 a.m. in the coming days, weeks, months (Peters: "Depending on how long the corona pandemic will keep us busy"). From her sofa, a cardigan over her shoulders, reading glasses on her nose. In hand: the first volume of Sibylle Luig's children's book series "Magie hoch Zwei".

Wonderful offer for six to eleven year olds

The actress and the author have been friends since their youth; When they recently talked about how bad it was for parents to get their home office and family under one roof, the idea came to them: a reading offer for students between the ages of six and eleven every day. “You can use it to take them to their rooms for three-quarters of an hour and do work in peace during this time. With the good feeling that they won't be blown away with the last rubbish, ”says Peters.

Escape the crisis through literature

In fact, the stories about the sisters Elli and Idi, who are gradually realizing their magical powers, are a wonderful way to escape the crisis into the carefree world of fantasy. "If you can read or are read aloud, it doesn't matter where you are - books can put you in any world," Luig enthuses about the power of literature. “You can find refuge in the stories. I read a lot with my two daughters. It is a ritual that creates community. It means having time for each other, yes, consciously taking that time. I am happy that someone like Caroline, with her enthusiasm, is able to take people who do not read at all into this wonderful world of books. ”

Caroline Peters' reading is a pleasure even for adults

Because this is not just a reading. The virtual visit to Peters' apartment also lives from the charming address of the actress to her audience. If she warns that her husband could scurry through the picture at any time because where she is sitting is the "main traffic hub" of the apartment; or if she sprays herself with perfume "to have the feeling that there are other people in the room", this is also a great pleasure for adults. Just like for the actress herself. The reading is not entirely unselfish. In the interview, she says that she had to commit to staying in her apartment in Vienna for 14 days after entering Germany, that at the beginning she thought: It's like vacation! “At first you think: great, I can get drunk all day, can stay awake even in the dolls and then sleep uninhibitedly. We did the first two days. But then I realized that it was incredibly depressing, ”she says laconically. Your solution: a weekly schedule. It neatly records what needs to be done and when. Always get up at the same time, Instagram reading, sports, lunch. Particularly nice: Every night from 10 p.m. to midnight, she and her husband invite their friends to the "Second City" they initiated: a chat via Skype. All friends who want to ratchet up can connect digitally. And tell how it is for them with Corona, curfew, fears of existence.

The Salzburg Festival? Peters still believes in it

How is it for Peters himself? In summer she is supposed to give the Buhlschaft in "Jedermann" at the Salzburg Festival. Does she still believe in it? "Yes, I keep that in myself that it is taking place. It is also in the open air. The play was canceled in the history of the Salzburg Festival for the time being, during the Second World War - I hope that 'everyone' doesn't have to be canceled in the jubilee year because of a pandemic. " stupid idea has to be discussed. To find solutions for how we can all weather the crisis together ”. Through social interaction, through encouraging gestures. Through magic two.

Sibylle Luig:
"Magic to the power of two".
Monika Fuchs Verlag. Part four will be published in 2021. These and all other books can also be bought from your local bookstore these days: At you can find the owner-operated bookstores nearby. With one click you can order everything online. Awesome local!