The Limited Times

"Gantz has deceived millions of voters" Israel today

3/26/2020, 4:03:23 PM


Storm in the Political System Against the Unifying Significance • MK Horowitz: "Political and Public Disgrace" • Minister Smutrich: "It seems at last that Gents has developed a backbone"

  • MK Gantz // Photo: Gideon Markovich

Knesset members' reactions to the decision by Blue and White Benny Gantz to join a unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu range from joy to rage.

"It seems that finally a spinal cord has developed, disconnects from the torch and stranglehold of the torch, and begins to act nationally. A touch of cautious optimism," said Transport Minister Bezalel Smutrich.

Minister Naftali Bennett also tweeted: "I congratulate Benny Gantz on the courageous step of entering a unity government headed by Netanyahu. This is the right thing for Israel in this emergency. Someone on my behalf for nothing. "

MK Yoaz Handel of Talam responded to Gantz's move: "I do not know what is good for the party, know that the State of Israel is good for a unity government."

On the other hand, Meretz chairman MK Nitzan Horowitz said: "Gantz became the collaborator of the defendant from Balfour. On one single promise built himself Benny Gantz - a governing alternative. Entering Netanyahu's government is a spit in their faces and a betrayal of the confidence of blue-and-white voters and the entire center-left bloc.

"Gantz has turned his back on more than half of the public in Israel today. It is a grave act with a political and public outrage. Did you choose Gantz? Did you get Netanyahu on his indictments of Rafi Peretz, Smutrich and Regev.

"We in Meretz are committed to the fight for democracy and the rule of law. We will continue to keep our voters loyal. We will vote today against Gantz's election as Knesset Speaker. This is one of the most important roles in our democracy. The use that Gantz makes only to creep into the Netanyahu government is also the scorn of the Knesset. I urge my members in the left-wing bloc not to lend a hand to this noel move. "

Congratulations to you Benny Gantz for setting up the accused government from Balfour

- Merav Michaeli Marav Michaeli (@MeravMichaeli) March 26, 2020

At a Knesset debate, MK Meirav Michaeli said of the work: "Gantz and Ashkenazi, why did you go crazy for an entire country for a year? After all, being a minister in Bibi's ability has been before. You swore again and again you would not sit back. Do you really think you can change or stop something? Haven't you seen what happened to Lightning and the window? You don't need you to manage the Corona crisis. You need to bleach the defendant and crush the justice system. "

Benny Gantz betrayed his constituents

- Orly Levi-Abaxis (@ORLYYOSIABUKSIS) March 26, 2020

MK Tamar Zandberg of Meretz said in the Knesset plenary: "Gantz cheated and deceived millions of voters who wanted another government. Instead of prime minister, you chose to put yourself as a defendant's carpet in bribery, incitement and racism. We are overwhelmed by the depth of deceit and disgrace that you have died today, not only for millions of voters who have joined for an alternative, but for Israeli politics as a whole and for the State of Israel. "

When you steal one mandate you are called Orly Levy, when you steal 15 mandates you are called Benny Gantz.

- Ofer Cassif Ofer Kassif (@ofercass) March 26, 2020

In response to Gantz's decision, MK Ofer Kasif attacked: "Gantz chose to steal the mandates and pave the way for a fascist race government led by the serial defendant. I warn Gantz and those who are thinking of going with him - this road will lead to a serious disaster, not only for us but for you as well. To society as a whole. "

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