The Limited Times

Civil servants: CGT calls for strike

3/26/2020, 7:12:41 PM

The call to stop work runs for 30 days in April and aims to denounce the so-called health emergency law.

You had to dare. As the coronavirus epidemic worsens in the country, the CGT of public services has just filed a month's strike notice starting in early April. It is a habit for this federation. At the end of February, she had already called to stop work from March 1 to 30 to obtain the withdrawal of the pension reform bill. The new call to stop work runs this time on the 30 days of April and aims to denounce the so-called health emergency law and " its anti-social measures ".

Read also: France is officially in a state of health emergency

The threat was sent by mail Monday, March 23 - the day after the vote of the health emergency law in Parliament - to three ministers: Muriel Pénicaud (Labor), Gérald Darmanin (Public accounts) and Olivier Dussopt (Public service). In its letter, the CGT federation of public services denounces "the choices of the government which make that it is the protective masks, hydroalcoholic gels and medical tests which are missing while never the military weapons of war or anti-demonstrators (LBD, gas ... ) are out of stock. Terrible translation of the concerns and interests of the state and the capitalists ”. And the CGT federation to regret that the government does not discover that now that public officials are essential.

This offensive which intervenes in the middle of an epidemic, and while the CGT - and all the social partners - must discuss, this Friday, organization of work with the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, has more than surprised the government. Olivier Dussopt stressed to the Parisian that this decision seems all the more incredible since the pension reform project, but also the territorial reorganization of the State, were frozen.

Potentially, this strike notice could concern all of the 85,000 members of the federation

Potentially, this strike notice could concern all of the 85,000 members of the federation, that is, the agents of the territorial public services, but also the personnel of the public and private sectors of social housing and of employees of the private sectors of water and funeral directors. .