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Claude Lelouch confined: "Something very beautiful will come out of this terrible period"

3/26/2020, 3:06:29 PM

From his manor in Calvados where he is in confinement, the filmmaker, who was preparing to shoot his fiftieth film, keeps his optimis

The famous director, screenwriter and producer, Claude Lelouch, 82, chose to live in confinement in his mansion in Auberville (Calvados), between Cabourg and Trouville-sur-Mer, on the Normandy coast. “I bought this house fifty years ago. And throughout my life, this is where I have come whenever I was good and whenever I was bad. It was obvious to me to confine myself in this house ”, he remarks.

He, who turned the greatest, from Jeanne Moreau to Jean-Paul Belmondo, passing by Jean-Louis Trintignant or Fabrice Luchini, therefore came to take refuge there, in this land of Auge that his wife and he so much love. It is also a way to take a step back from the coronavirus health crisis.

“We are plunged into an abyss of reflection that invites us to write, to work. Above all, each of us must take care to avoid adding confusion to the confusion, insists the director. I did not think at my age one day to experience such a cataclysm. But, as an artist, I want to remain resolutely optimistic. This virus is a coward, a bastard who first attacks the weakest, the most fragile. So you have to remember that we never saw a coward in history winning a war. We will strike him down. "

"For the first time, the whole world speaks the same language"

For Claude Lelouch, there is no doubt: “I am convinced that, despite the drama we are going through, we will together come out with a lot of positive things. The world is going to rock because for the first time, the whole earth speaks the same language, which allows us to lead this fight in common, he assures. As strange as it may seem, it is the equivalent of a world war ... Without war. "

And in this battle, the author of “A Man and a Woman”, “L'Aventure, c'est l'Aventure” or “Itinerary of a Spoiled Child” renews his infinite admiration for caregivers. "We must send our deep gratitude to those who are at the front, in the trenches," he says. Each of these women and each of these men who fight for the health of all. I am convinced that thanks to them, this particularly hard period that we are going through will lead to something beautiful, on the sun. "

On a daily basis, Claude Lelouch takes care to maintain the morale of his loved ones. “I try to communicate as much as possible with my friends, with my friends, to convey to them, as much as possible, my perspective of hope and my optimism as for the end of this tunnel and what we will succeed. to come out of it beautiful. I want to take this time to reassure the people I love, ”he says.

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" Artists will create differently"

While his latest film, "La Virtue des Impondérables", shot exclusively with his smartphone, was to be released these days, the filmmaker was also preparing to start shooting his ... 50th film! “It is obviously very special. We had to start with a cruise that we postponed to the summer, he says. Unconsciously, I already know that what is happening today will lead us to express ourselves, to share differently. Artists, too, will create differently. "

After the epidemic, “we will no longer shoot in the same way, predicted the director. Something new will open and I am convinced that it can be very beautiful collectively. We will no longer talk to each other as we did before this crisis. We won't sing the same songs anymore. "