The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 2 Turks positive after London boxing tournament

3/26/2020, 2:21:52 PM

He was a pre-Olympic, Istanbul federation: 'irresponsible Cio' (ANSA)

Two Turkish boxers who took part in the Pre-Olympic of the Copper Arena in London, where they also fought the blues, tested positive, returning to their home country, at the Covid-19 pad. The president of the Turkish federboxe, Eyup Gozgec, said it to the BBC. "Two of our boxers and a national team coach were positive - Gozgec said -. Now I would like to understand why, while the whole world had been on the alert, they made us start this tournament (then suspended for the pandemic ed.) were neither preventive measures, nor compliance with hygiene standards. This disaster is the fault of the IOC task force. They were irresponsible. "