The Limited Times

In Naples police hydrants clean the streets

3/26/2020, 3:36:23 PM

The means have been modified thanks to the collaboration between Asia and the police headquarters to contain the coronavirus emergency (ANSA)

March 26, 4:26 pm

In Naples police hydrants clean the streets

Vehicles modified thanks to the collaboration between Asia and the police headquarters

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© ANSA /



Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /


Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /


Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /


Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /


Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /


Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /


Naples, sanctification with police vehicles - photo Ciro Fusco / ANSA © ANSA /

Police hydrants converted into efficient means for sanitizing roads. It happens in Naples, thanks to the collaboration between the Neapolitan Police Headquarters and Asia, the company that deals with waste disposal and cleaning in the city. The vehicles (two) made their debut this morning along some of the main city arteries in the center (via Foria, via Toledo, piazza Municipio and Rettifilo) and in the northern suburbs of Scampia. The means in question are those usually used by riot police to manage public order. In a few hours they were modified to allow water to be sprayed from some side and front outlets specially made by a company from Pomigliano d'Arco. "Everything was born - explains the president of Asia Maria De Marco, present this morning at the sanitization operations - from a brilliant idea of ​​the Quaestor Giuliano created in a short time, such as to allow us the immediate use of the means that have already proven to be very useful and that will help us a lot, especially on wide roads and for cleaning sidewalks ". "I made mine and carried on - stresses the Quaestor of Naples Alessandro Giuliano - a beautiful idea of ​​the Mobile Department that once again demonstrates the generosity of the policemen of Naples. We must mobilize all of them - is the invitation of the Quaestor - and in any way possible , to overcome this moment of emergency ".


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