The Limited Times

Simply delicious: Schnitzel taste better immediately if you change this ingredient

3/26/2020, 7:39:29 PM

Schnitzel is a favorite dish of the Germans. In addition to the quality of the meat, the taste is the be-all and end-all. This is how you get the perfect schnitzel!

Schnitzel is a favorite dish of the Germans. In addition to the quality of the meat, the taste is the be-all and end-all. This is how you get the perfect schnitzel!

Breaded schnitzel is inseparable from German cuisine and ends up regularly on the plate for many people - whether in the restaurant or homemade. While you rely on the skill of the chef for the schnitzel, you can fall back on a tip for your homemade schnitzel that most people have long forgotten.

Breading turns schnitzel into a taste experience

The breading of a schnitzel stands and falls with the ingredients used. Some traditionally only use breadcrumbs , flour and egg, others try parmesan, cornflakes and Co. In addition to the meat, the taste of a schnitzel depends mainly on one ingredient: breadcrumbs.

Most of them will certainly use breadcrumbs bought in the supermarket for lack of time or convenience. In the past, breadcrumbs were made in-house and the difference in taste is groundbreaking. So it's worth taking the time to make breadcrumbs yourself .

So you can easily make breadcrumbs yourself

You need:

  • 4 to 5 rolls
  • 1 freezer bag
  • 1 meat tenderizer or similar
  • 1 rolling pin

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Here's how to make delicious breadcrumbs:

  • Place the rolls open at room temperature and let them dry for a day.
  • Then cut them into slices and then into larger cubes.
  • Let these cubes dry well on a baking sheet or other flat surface for about ten days.
  • If this takes too long, you can dry the bread cubes in the oven at 50 degrees and then harden for a day at room temperature.
  • Now fill the bread cubes in portions in a freezer bag and knock them with a meat tenderizer or a pan. Place a tea towel in between so it isn't too loud.
  • As soon as all the cubes have been crushed, you can crush them even more finely with a rolling pin.
  • Then fill your homemade breadcrumbs in an airtight can and use them for schnitzel and many other delicious dishes. You will taste the difference immediately.
  • You have no time or desire to make breadcrumbs yourself? Craft bakers, who still heat the oven every day, often offer breadcrumbs from their own production.

    Read also: Star chefs betrayed - This is how you can make the perfect Wiener Schnitzel

    Video: No Gos preparing schnitzel


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