The Limited Times

Tokyo 2020, Bach: 'Everyone's going to need sacrifices'

3/26/2020, 2:30:52 PM

The president of the IOC: 'WHO is decisive for the postponement. The economic consequences come later '(ANSA)

"The spread of the virus in every part of the world was decisive to determine the postponement of the Olympics. We are ready to discuss different future scenarios and we will strive to identify the ideal ones. The financial consequences are not a priority, the WHO opinion is decisive state in the choice ". So Thomas Bach, in the IOC conference-call, organized the day after the postponement of the Tokyo Games .

"We thought above all of the health of the athletes, but also of the other subjects involved in the event, making sure to safeguard it. We will try to organize the Olympics in the summer of 2021". "Sacrifices and compromises from all sides will be needed," added Bach, referring to organizers, athletes, federations, the International Olympic Committee. "There has been a task force since mid-February, we follow the periodic information provided by this working group which includes the IOC, the Games organizing committee, the administrators of Tokyo, the Japanese government and in particular the World Health Organization. We remain very confident about the success of these Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, "he added.

" I would like to send a signal of encouragement to all athletes so that they continue to prepare for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics with great confidence and commitment . For our part we will continue to support them and so we will do with the respective national Olympic Committees. We will also send updates from online site, so that all the necessary info is within everyone's reach, "added Thomas Bach. "Everyone will have to make sacrifices, including financial ones: from athletes to federations, to professionals".