The Limited Times

Coronavirus: prolonged confinement "at least until April 15"

3/27/2020, 4:27:47 PM

Édouard Philippe announced Friday afternoon the extension of containment, which began on March 17.

It will be "at least" two more weeks. The containment of the population, set up on March 17 in France to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, is extended until April 15, announced Prime Minister Édouard Philippe on Friday afternoon.

“The same rules as those currently in force will be applied. This period may be extended if the health situation requires it, ”explained the Matignon tenant.

The extension of the confinement period was expected and its principle had already been announced by the government. The scientific council, consulted by the executive, recommends that it last “at least six weeks” to see the effects on the curve of people affected by Covid-19.