The Limited Times

Gravina, we want to finish the championship but no later than 30/7

3/27/2020, 8:48:29 PM

N.1 FIGC, 'goal is also to save 2020-2021 season' (ANSA)

"Today we can abandon ourselves to a whole series of elaborations, but we have one certainty: to try in all possible ways to save the 2019/20 championship but also not to compromise the 2020/21 one, which has a clear deadline". FIGC president Gabriele Gravina said this to Radio Sportiva. "Next year we will have the commitments of the European Football Championship and international club-related competitions - he added -. We cannot make the mistake, already made last year, of leaving beyond mid-August. It is evident that over mid-July it becomes complicated go on with the 19/20 championship ".
Gravina also clarified that "the primary objective is to resume the championship, but we must be very realistic and understand that at this moment the situation is constantly evolving. The idea of ​​resuming the championships is the right choice and it is evident that this it is a hypothesis on which we must work and we have a duty to deepen it day after day. "We are also working on alternative hypotheses - he concluded -, we must also take a mature path to give concrete answers to clubs and fans".