The Limited Times

The feeling of disgust reached the politicians Israel today

3/27/2020, 7:42:36 PM


Unity government is not what the people wanted • It happened not because of the brave, but because there is no choice - Israel is in an emergency period • Opinion

The truth must be put on the table: Benny Gantz despises Netanyahu. Netanyahu and especially his family. In closed conversations, he said the most difficult things about them: Netanyahu thinks only of himself, that he is willing to sell the national interest for the private interest. Mostly Benny Gantz is sure that the one behind all the tough publicity in the recent campaigns ("not baked", "ragged", "stuttered", an Iranian hack to his phone, rumors of sexual harassment) is Benjamin Netanyahu.

Gantz elected chairman of temporary Knesset: "In an emergency, we have no right to stand" // Photo: Knesset Channel

Benjamin Netanyahu detests Benny Gantz. He thinks he is unworthy, that he was a bad chief of staff, that he cannot make decisions, and in particular that he and his men have exerted public pressure that has caused him the legal mess.

Contrary to clichés, unity government is not what the people of Israel wanted. Gantz voters did not want Netanyahu and Netanyahu voters did not want Gantz, and after all we are marching to a unity government and cooperation between Netanyahu and Gantz. How did it happen? Not because there are brave people here, but simply because there is no choice.

More on:

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Netanyahu did not win the election. He achieved an impressive achievement but could not form a government. Gantz had a majority of 62 on paper, but he could not form a government of any kind, including a minority government in delusional cooperation between Lieberman and Hiba Yazbak, a government that would soon be falling apart.

And above all, Israel is on the offensive, in the war, in an emergency that has not been seen for decades. Thousands of patients, millions of Israelis in closure, more than 650,000 unemployed. If it is not an emergency, it is not clear what an emergency is. It seems bad that while the Israelis are in a war of war, the politicians are arguing over the regular committee and the torment of Hauser and Handel's conscience. The feeling of disgust with the politicians did not go beyond themselves.

The only options found on the table since the election were unity or election. Elections cannot be made. And so, despite the anticipation of three days of Twitter bites and sad faces from journalists on the left, Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu remained no choice.

Inside all the Corona Sea and the political contempt there is at least one small light bar: after a year and a half of tough, brutal elections, parties, toxicities - a government will be established in Israel.

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