The Limited Times

#iorestoacasa, help I have shrunk the spaces - Lifestyle

3/28/2020, 3:57:24 PM

The days of the quarantine for the coronavirus are always longer and so cohabitation at home also begins to have more than one problem. (HANDLE)

The days of the quarantine for the coronavirus are always longer and so cohabitation at home also begins to have more than one problem. The four home walls accustomed in the majority of cases to hosting us together only for dinner have now become a central place as well as a must for new life and the spaces have definitely narrowed, putting everyone to the test. #iorestoacasa but I would not like to be disturbed is a recurring thought these days especially if we are not only a couple but a family and we work remotely in smart working mode while the children do school at a distance and maintain an intense social streaming with friends whether it's for gymnastics, video aperitifs, small talk, exchange sentimental advice for those with teenagers. Marcello Albergoni, LinkedIn Italy Country Manager, father of two children and an expert in career development issues, suggests to work remotely in the company of your children, first of all to speak frankly about what's going on and helping them understand why the however, the parent must remain focused on the job.
"Explain that they should try not to disturb you (except in an emergency ...) while reassuring them that you are still there for them. Chances are they will find the whole experience new and fun, but there is a possibility that they can be confused. or worry. Create - says Albergoni - a space designated in your "home office area" for your children so that they can be with you while you are not, for example, on a call. This can vary from a crib or a box at a small table equipped with useful tools for creativity, or with books and notebooks for homework, if the child is older ".
According to the manager, the ideal would be to try to organize important calls and meetings during the children's nap hours if they are small. Another suggestion is to warn colleagues, who however will understand very well, probably being in the same situation, that the children are obviously also at home and therefore there may be background noise or interruptions. "Make sure - he adds - that you organize regular breaks to have quality time with your children during the working day. Whether it's their favorite game, or reading together, the attention dedicated by you will help ensure that your children do not feel ignored and have not had a boring day. "
Cameron Veasey, LinkedIn career expert suggests further good practices of coexistence and space sharing: Treating your roommates as if they were work colleagues: respecting the space and working hours of other people just like you would do in the office is extremely important. So far, one of the most difficult situations has arisen when both tenants have organized calls at the same time. To avoid this type of inconvenience, it is useful to share verbally what the most important remote meetings and meetings of the day will be, so that you can guarantee a space of peace and tranquility when you need it most. Planning breaks and keeping the house tidy are as many 'healthy' goals to pursue in this forced quarantine. (HANDLE).