The Limited Times

Coronavirus: tightening of entry into Italy, mandatory quarantine and controls

3/28/2020, 8:27:36 PM

Self-certification on where the insulation will be. Airplane masks (ANSA)

Quarantine and self-certification on where it will be spent for all those who enter Italy today from abroad. It is one of the new rules contained in the ordinance signed by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paola De Micheli and by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which determines a new tightening on all entrances to our country, whether by land, sea or air. The provisions obviously also concern Italians still stuck abroad who, once returned, will have to comply with the new measures. Since the beginning of the crisis, the Farnesina has received around 230,000 calls and 1,500 emails requesting assistance from compatriots who aim to return to their homeland and so far have been between 35,000 and 40,000 Italians.

The ordinance obliges, first of all, anyone who arrives, even if asymptomatic, to immediately communicate it to the prevention department of the health authority responsible for the territory. Those who enter Italy will have to undergo sanitary surveillance and fiduciary isolation for a period of fourteen days at the home that he himself will have indicated with a specific self-certification "upon boarding" on planes or ships. In the event of the onset of Covid-19 symptoms, there is therefore an obligation to report it "promptly" to the Health Authority. If it is not possible to reach the indicated home from the landing place of the means of transport used, the competent health authority for the territory must immediately inform the Regional Civil Protection which will determine the methods and the place where to carry out the health surveillance and the fiduciary isolation, with expenses charged to the persons subjected to quarantine. The same prescriptions, ministries specify, must also be followed by those who enter Italy through their own or private means