The Limited Times

Coronavirus in France: 319 more deaths in 24 hours, 2,314 dead to date

3/28/2020, 6:30:30 PM

This Saturday evening, the official toll of the victims of Covid-19 continues to increase, confirmed the general direction of Health.

Aïcha, Sylvain, Jeanne-Elisabeth, Marc, Alain, Patrick, young Julie ... The coronavirus continues to kill in France. On this twelfth day of confinement, the Hexagon thus had 2,314 deaths in total linked to the epidemic. In less than 24 hours, there are therefore 319 new deaths, according to the results this Saturday from the Directorate General of Health.

In addition, 4,273 people are currently in intensive care.

Previously, the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon had detailed the meaning and the method of calculation of these daily data because "many of our fellow citizens are wondering about these figures", conceded the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe.

"The next 15 days will be even more difficult"

The latter indeed held a press conference with the Minister of Health Olivier Véran for more "transparency", they promised, on the management of the crisis. "The fight is just beginning: the first 15 days of April will be difficult, even more difficult than those which have just passed", introduced in a serious tone the head of government, before explaining "what we know and what we don't know ”.

The head of government also welcomed "a collective effort", "first that of caregivers, admirable, courageous, committed" but "also the remarkable effort of those who, in the second line, ensure the continuity of the life of the nation ". Edouard Philippe finally mentioned a "third line", that of the rest of the French, who help the first lines by staying at home.

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