The Limited Times

Fundraising campaign for Tafel customers in Tölz and Lenggries

3/28/2020, 4:06:24 PM

The bars in Bad Tölz and Lenggries have closed down due to the corona crisis. But customers are now being helped in a different way.

The bars in Bad Tölz and Lenggries have closed down due to the corona crisis. But customers are now being helped in a different way.

Bad Tölz - Many people in need depend on the weekly supply of food. For these people, the Evangelical Church in Tölz and the Lenggrieser association "Nur a bisserl Zeit" have launched fundraisers to provide the needy with food vouchers.

In Bad Tölz, the campaign got off to a good start, reports Dean Martin Steinbach. From the donations, shopping vouchers with a value of 25 euros each are bought at Tölzer supermarkets, in order to then pass them on to the previous Tafel customers. "We have already distributed 20 vouchers," Steinbach reports. Donations were made by private individuals, but also by the employees of the inclusion café "Miteinand". In addition, the Tölzer Rotary Club has promised to fund twelve vouchers every week until the tables reopen. The vouchers are obtained and distributed by the church administration. A recipient almost fell “out of gratitude around his neck,” reports Steinbach stirred.

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He hopes that the campaign will become even better known because it is currently difficult to reach all Tafel customers in and around Bad Tölz. If you want to receive a voucher, you must have a social card and register with the church administration on 0 80 41/76 13 73 33 to arrange a pick-up date.

The fundraising campaign is also going well in Lenggries, says Birgitta Opitz from the association “Nur a bisserl Zeit”. Incidentally, a nice side effect is that the vouchers support local retail. Opitz will answer any questions on 0 80 42/52 11.


If you want to donate in Tölz, transfer the money to the account of the Evangelical Church: IBAN DE84 7005 4306 0000 0063 46, the keyword "food vouchers". Anyone wishing to donate in Lenggries should contact Birgitta Opitz, 0 80 42/52 11.

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