The Limited Times

America with Trump in Corona too

3/29/2020, 9:27:36 PM

Tal Heinrich

Media coverage in Israel creates the impression that America "woke up too late" and that the blame for President Trump. In Israel, Trump is reportedly "detached" from the situation on the ground, but the signs that the area actually supports are being ignored. A Gallup poll found that six out of ten Americans are satisfied with the president's conduct during the crisis.

There are almost no leaders in the world immediately following the outbreak in China who have ordered hospital readiness and massive production of respirators. However, Trump does not appear to be measured by the U.S. street compared to the rest of the world’s leaders, but compared to statements by his Democratic rivals. The media and the left wing of the Democratic Party continue to criticize the president, as in his daily routine. Some of his remarks are even "quoted" out of context. These political reactions seem to be reversed, and actually bolster the support of the president.

Trump, for example, stated he was happy to see a return to Easter around Easter, but noted he "didn't know if that would be the date." The statement was presented in the media as a ridiculous pledge to end the crisis by the holidays. Many Democrats have called Trump a "racist" for calling the corona "the Chinese virus." Social or diplomatic implications of this statement can be debated, but there is no question as to the origin of the virus. The White House restricted flights from China to the United States in late January, but many recall that Democrats criticizing Trump today attacked the move at the time, including Joe Biden who argued that a ban on entry into China would not stop the virus.

The Americans are not blaming President Trump for the spread of the virus in the US, which was expected sooner or later. Some are disappointed with the president's treatment of the disease in its early stages, others even identify with the process the president went through to "digest" the corona. The extent of the dramatic measures required The media, now criticizing its conduct, did not open the news releases two months ago in the crisis in China.The US public is aware that theoretically, governors of New York and California could prepare hospitals and respirators in January, and did not have to wait for the house The white.

A CBS poll found that more Americans felt "calm" or "hopeful" than "stressed" or "tense." U.S. citizens are looking for optimism to cling to it, and President Trump is trying to provide it primarily with the economy.

Republicans have filed a $ 2 trillion aid plan. Before it was approved, Democrats were able to reject it twice. why? Not only because of benefits to corporations and large corporations, but as part of the economy's extraction package required budgets for the Canadian Center for the Arts, a budget for promoting gender equality on the boards, and setting greenhouse gas emission caps for airlines. These are sections of an ideological democratic agenda of the days as amended. The majority of the public seems to see these demands in light of the Corona epidemic as dealing with and disconnecting from reality during a crisis - especially when ordinary citizens check their mailboxes each morning, expecting a check they have been promised.

It is quite possible, as is often the case in emergencies, that the public is now gathering around the leadership and backing up its decisions, and the trend may change later. But true to these moments, it seems that even in the Corona - America with Trump.

Tal Heinrich is an Israeli communications woman operating in New York

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