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Coronavirus: France mourns politicians - He tweeted from the hospital three days ago

3/29/2020, 1:36:30 PM

Coronavirus in France: shock after the death of a sixteen-year-old. Doctors file suit against government - allegation of government failure

Coronavirus in France: shock after the death of a sixteen-year-old. Doctors file suit against government - allegation of government failure

  • The corona virus * dominates the world.
  • Some countries in Europe are already in a state of emergency .
  • The situation is now also coming to a head in France .
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Update 1:14 p.m .: France mourns the loss of a well-known politician: French regional politician Patrick Devedjian came to the hospital for observation on Wednesday evening after he had tested positive for the corona virus - he died there on Sunday night, like his press office for the French News agency announced.

Devedijan held various government posts during Nicolas Sarkozy's reign and was most recently President of the Departmental Council of the Hauts-de-Seine region of France. On March 26, he had thanked the country's hospital staff for the great work via Twitter :

Et merci aussi particulièrement à tous les personnels du Département @hautsdeseinefr qui se sont mobilisés pour répondre aux besoins des habitants!

- Patrick Devedjian (@DevedjianP) March 26, 2020

According to his Twitter account, he leaves four children.

Update of March 29, 9:56 a.m .: According to Zeit Online, the French government is facing at least six procedures - the allegations are lack of assistance and negligent homicide. Among the plaintiffs is the collective "C19" around the doctor Emmanuel Sarrazin : "It is incredible how unprepared we were ridden into this catastrophic situation," he says. As a medic in early March a group of coughing people from the Italian Corona areas came, brought into his practice unannounced, he had to borrow protective masks from a car mechanic friend to be able to continue working.

The government has failed to provide adequate protective materials such as masks - even at times when the massive spread of the virus was already foreseeable, according to lawyers . You are talking about a state scandal. When President Emmanuel Macron shows up in a hospital, doctors criticize him hard, the time goes on. What aggravates the situation: nurses and nursing staff who now have to do their utmost had recently struck for more staff and better equipment in hospitals - last year 15,000 beds in hospitals were cut.

À Mulhouse, aux côtés des femmes et des hommes mobilisés en première ligne pour protéger les Français du COVID-19.

- Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) March 25, 2020

Corona virus in France: more and more infected people are flown out

Update of March 28, 10:16 pm: According to John Hopkins University , 2,314 people in France have died as a result of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 . The number of infected people has risen to more than 38,000 (as of March 28, 10:30 p.m.).

On Saturday, two patients from Metz in northeastern France were brought to Essen by military helicopter, where they are to be treated at the university hospital, as a spokeswoman for the North Rhine-Westphalian state government said.

According to François Braun, head of the regional hospital center emergency department, two more patients are expected to be flown to Germany on Sunday afternoon. Depending on the development of the situation, decisions will be made about further patient transports. According to Braun, around a dozen corona patients have been brought to German hospitals by ambulance since the pandemic began.

Defense Minister Florence Parly wrote on Twitter that military helicopters from the army should fly several Covid-19 patients from Metz to Germany in the coming days. In the meantime, the coronavirus is spreading even more in Russia. *

Corona in France: 16-year-old had "only one cough", now she is dead - mother gives details

Update of March 28, 12.49 p.m .: The death of 16-year-old Julie shocked France : The adolescent is the youngest victim of the coronavirus pandemic * in the country to date, as the Ministry of Health in Paris announced. Her mother has now described the outbreak of the disease and the tragic details. "She only had a cough," she said of the beginning of the disease *.

Julie first treated him with cough syrup and inhalations a week ago *. The first breathing disorders would have occurred from Saturday. The situation became worse and worse, the family doctor finally alerted the emergency service. Instead of the ambulance, the fire brigade came: with protective suits, masks, gloves. That was unimaginable, said her mother, "that was the fourth dimension".

Corona in France: dramatic battle with death - 16-year-old Julie is the youngest victim

At first there was talk of "nothing serious", Corona rapid tests were negative. But then the sad turning point: It was Covid-19 *, Julie has already been transferred to the intensive care unit in the renowned Paris children's hospital in Necker .

The family then received the shock call early Wednesday morning: "Come quickly!" When mother Sabine arrived at the hospital with her older daughter Manon, Julie was already dead. "Her skin was still warm," said her mother.

The situation is currently just as dramatic in Spain and Italy. Austria is preparing for further drastic measures, while US President Donald Trump was caught ice cold in a lie.

Corona crisis in France: number of deaths soars - police tell of absurd situations

Update, 8:50 p.m .: France also has many casualties from the insidious lung disease Covid-19 .

In hospitals, 299 people with coronavirus infection died within 24 hours. The number of deaths rose to 1,995, the director general in the Ministry of Health, Jérôme Salomon, announced on Friday evening.

However, the statistics do not include people who died of Corona in their own home or in old age and care facilities, it said. As of Monday, the recording will be more precise.

Because of the corona pandemic , France has been subject to a strict curfew from March 17th to April 15th.

Corona crisis in France: NRW welcomes French patients

Update, 19.55: North Rhine-Westphalia will take in four seriously ill Corona patients from France in the coming days. The state chancellery announced this in response to a request for help from the neighboring country.

The French patients should all be brought to the Essen University Hospital.

Update, 12.45 p.m .: A curfew was imposed in France due to the spread of the corona virus. But many question marks remain. Citizens are unsettled: what is actually still allowed? This is why numerous calls are currently being received by the police - many of which make you forget the crisis for a moment. Because they are unintentionally hilarious. A woman who lives in an open marriage asks: "Can my husband spend the weekend with his lover?"

An animal lover meanwhile is very worried about his horse: "A stranger is stroking my horse - can he infect it with the corona virus?"

Corona virus in France: police experience bizarre stories

In the first few days, the number of calls via the emergency number had literally exploded, a spokesman for the gendarmerie in northern France told the AFP news agency. "People call because of everything and nothing because they are bored. They just want to talk," explains another police officer.

An official from the gendarmerie in the Rhône department tells of worried questions about whether the trash can still be taken outside despite the curfew. However, there are also many calls with a serious background. A number of people report that they have experienced domestic violence.

Some French apparently also call to get their unloved neighbor in trouble. An officer from the gendarmerie in the Ardèche department reported a call who complained: "My neighbor chats with a lot of people and does not stick to the curfew."

Officials who carry out checks in public spaces also experience absurd stories, as an example from the northern region of Picardy shows. A man was stopped there about 50 kilometers from where he lived. The reason for his long journey was exclusively of a culinary nature. He said he wanted to get the French specialty cassoulet.


Corona virus in France: situation in Alsace "bad" - Paris apparently asks the German Bundeswehr for help.


Corona crisis in France: clinic uses triage procedure

Update 9.23 a.m .: The department president of Strasbourg, Brigitte Klinkert, explains in the newspaper "Die Welt" that the triage procedure has been practiced for two weeks, for example by the doctors at the University Hospital of Strasbourg. Patients over 80, over 75, and in some days even over 70, could no longer be intubated because the respirators were simply missing, said the politician. One cannot say it often enough, because not only the German neighbors but also the French outside of Alsace did not realize the seriousness of the situation.

In a press release submitted to the SWR on Thursday evening, the University Clinic of Strasbourg stated that the overall condition of the patient is decisive for ventilation - not just the age. The Strasbourg University Clinic also created new ventilation options.

Update, March 27, 2020, 7:03 am: The FDP defense politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann is in favor of giving France the help of the Bundeswehr in the Corona crisis.

Corona in France: help from the Bundeswehr?

On Friday she responded to a “Spiegel” report that the government in Paris in Germany had asked for quick help from the Bundeswehr. This should be done as part of what the Bundeswehr can currently do in parallel with relief missions in Germany, the politician said.

"Especially in times when we have to watch how borders are drawn up in Europe, we have to pay particular attention to European and international cooperation," said Strack-Zimmermann.

Corona crisis in France: 16-year-old died near Paris

Update, 8:54 p.m .: The situation in France is coming to a head. The deaths are increasing rapidly. There were 365 new cases within 24 hours, said health director Jérôme Salomon on Thursday (March 26) in Paris . The number is now 1696. For the first time in France, a young person is among the fatalities. A 16-year-old Covid-19 patient died in the Paris region, says Salomon.

According to the information, there are currently 3375 patients with severe illnesses in intensive care units. The number of confirmed infections has increased by around 4,000 cases to 29,155 cases .

Corona virus in France: situation in Alsace on the brink - Paris apparently asks the Bundeswehr for help

Munich - first China, then South Korea. Recently Italy and Spain - and now France ? The corona virus pandemic is affecting more and more countries and presents them with a hitherto unknown challenge.

While the situation in China and South Korea now seems to have eased, the worst is clearly yet to come in Europe. The health system is reaching its limits in Italy and Spain. A similar scenario now threatens in France .

Because of the Corona crisis , France has asked Germany for rapid help from the Bundeswehr, according to a Spiegel report. The government in Paris had in the past few days asked the federal government via military and diplomatic channels whether the Bundeswehr could help quickly because of the emergency in the neighboring country, the news magazine reported on Thursday. The Ministry of Defense in Berlin said on request that there was no official application.

According to the French request, helicopters are urgently needed to transfer Corona patients from particularly affected regions to other parts of the country, the report says. The Bundeswehr could also help care for Covid-19 patients who are currently pushing the French health system to its capacity limits - obviously, places for medical treatment are in demand. Paris also envisions deploying units of the German-French brigade.

Corona virus in France: situation in Alsace "bad" - Paris apparently asks the Bundeswehr for help

Alsace is currently considered the Corona epicenter in France . The situation there is bad. Not far from Germany, old corona patients are no longer ventilated.

Disaster physicians report dramatic conditions in Alsace in the face of the corona pandemic . According to this, doctors at the University Clinic in Strasbourg continue to work with corona patients even if they are infected themselves. In addition, patients over 80 years old would no longer be ventilated. Instead, "care for the dying with opiates and sleeping pills", employees of the German Institute for Disaster Medicine in Tübingen write in a report to the government of Baden-Württemberg, which is available to the German Press Agency. Several media reported about it.

Alsace is France's epicenter of the crisis. German disaster medics visited the university clinic in Strasbourg on Monday - and raise the alarm about the conditions. In the paper, they report a “tangible danger” from the virus . Assuming that the development in Alsace will soon set in Germany , an optimal preparation is of the "highest urgency". The danger posed by the corona virus makes "further consistent measures by the state governments, hospitals and emergency services in Germany " indispensable.

The discussion about the takeover of seriously ill French into German KH is disgusting.
"What if a German should need the ventilation bed?"
"... there are not enough left for us Germans?"
If I could I wouldn't treat any of these racists. # Covid_19 #Alsace

- Miss Briest (@CrysaCorame) March 21, 2020

The patient to be ventilated is the bottleneck, the paper says. Patients older than 80 years have not been ventilated at the Strasbourg clinic since the weekend. This is also the way it is dealt with patients in nursing homes at the age who need ventilation. The emergency services should provide you with "quick death care". The ethics committee specifies this procedure.

Coronavirus in France - Report from Alsace: Patients over 80 are no longer ventilated

According to the report, the clinic admitted an hourly patient on Monday, who needs ventilation. 90 ventilation beds were available at the time. The clinic is currently expanding its capacities. Patients between the ages of 19 and 80 are ventilated there, whereby only 3 of the 90 patients were younger than 50 and had no previous illnesses. At the university hospital, only one vital bypass operation is carried out per day, there is no longer any tumor surgery and no outpatient surgery. All patients who are able to walk and whose health is acceptable have been discharged.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) classified the eastern French regions of Alsace and Lorraine as coronavirus risk areas around two weeks ago . The Champagne-Ardenne region, which shares a border with Belgium, is also considered a risk area. The three areas together form the Grand Est region. It borders on Baden-Württemberg, the Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate . French President Emmanuel Macron announced a military operation to support the population when he visited a new mobile army clinic in Mulhouse, Alsace, on Wednesday evening.

According to the regional health agency in the Grand Est region, 3,068 people with Sars CoV-2 infection were hospitalized by Wednesday. Almost 651 of these are in intensive care units. Since the pandemic started , more than 500 deaths have been reported across the region. A special train with 20 Corona patients on board left Strasbourg for western France on Thursday to relieve the intensive care units in the affected region.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus.

dpa / smk

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Rubric list image: © AFP / LIONEL BONAVENTURE

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