The Limited Times

Dogs will try to identify Corona patients Israel today

3/29/2020, 12:57:24 AM


The BBC reported that a British association that trains dogs to detect olfactory diseases is trying to do the same to identify the covid-19

  • Russian police with dogs // Photo: IP

Will it be possible to make up for the difficulty in performing tests to detect the corona virus by one's best friend?

According to the BBC, a British association that trains dogs to detect through their sense of smell various diseases, such as malaria, cancer and Parkinson's, will also try to do the same against the virus that has erupted around the world, to ease the identification even before the symptoms of respiratory disease are caused: COVID 19.

The association intends to form a joint venture with British universities to see if there is a way to teach dogs about the different ways to identify the virus. This is in part because dogs can detect skin temperature changes before symptoms appear, the association claims.

"We must look into how to safely capture the odor of the virus coming from the carriers," the head of the association told BBC. "In principle, we are not sure there is a way to do this, but if we succeed, it will be a fast, effective and non-invasive way of diagnosis, in a way that will allow the healthcare system to use its limited resources where it is needed."

If the move is successful, it may be possible within six weeks to begin identifying carriers. According to an expert at Durham University in the UK, an effective set of dogs that will detect the virus will effectively enable the kingdom to deal with a "second wave" of infections, including by placing them in airports to identify people before spreading the epidemic to other areas.

"This is how we avoid the epidemic popping up again," the professor said.

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