The Limited Times

Seine-Saint-Denis: 6-year-old child beaten by his father suffers from irreversible brain damage

3/29/2020, 6:09:30 PM

A father was brought to justice this Sunday. He had beaten up his 6-year-old son in Tremblay-en-France. This is declared in

Daoudja's chances of survival are tiny. This 6-year-old boy was beaten up by his father on Friday in Tremblay (Seine-Saint-Denis). This Sunday, this 45-year-old man was brought before an investigating judge "for violence resulting in permanent disability and irreversible brain damage to a minor 15 years of age by ascendant," said the prosecutor's office of Bobigny. His detention was requested.

READ ALSO> Seine-Saint-Denis: a 6-year-old brain-dead child struck by his father

Since Friday, Daoudja is in a state of brain death. When help arrived in this Old Country apartment, the young boy was lying inanimate in his room. Transported to the Necker hospital in Paris (15th), he never regained consciousness.

Father admitted the facts

It was his mother who alerted the firefighters in the middle of the afternoon. She was not present when the father went wild on his son. But she had been alerted by one of the elders of the family when her little brother had just convulsed under the blows. The drama would have occurred in the early afternoon, around 1:30 p.m.

But it is only two hours after the emergency services are notified. Too shocked to speak, the mother will be forced to entrust the phone to her husband. He admitted the facts. The corpulent man is said to have struck his child on the head who was reportedly seized. The little boy, originally from Ivory Coast, had arrived in France earlier this year. Other children live under the same roof. In police custody, the father admitted having already laid hands on the siblings.

The investigation continues. She will have to determine under what conditions the blows were struck and in particular if an object was used, which the father denies.

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