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Triple fight for finance and war for Ministry of Public Security: What will the next government look like? | Israel today

3/29/2020, 7:24:31 PM


Blue and White Likud continue to move toward unity government, and battles are now intensifying • Bennett, who will leave the Ministry of Defense in favor of Gantz, takes on Finance Minister's role with Israel Katz and Nir Barkat • In Blue and Blue: Struggle over Justice Case Today “makes order

While negotiations for a unity government are progressing, and the division of cases between the right-wing bloc and blue is already known, the staffing of quite a few cases remains open and some interesting struggles and appointments are expected.

Netanyahu calls on Gantz, Peretz and Lieberman to set up emergency government with him // Photo: Connecticut

To fight for the role of finance minister, whom he recalled to Nir Barkat (the Likud) before the elections, there are two other contestants. In addition to the name of Israel Katz, now Foreign Minister, he also joined the list, not after Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, who will vacate his chair in favor of Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz.

On the role of Minister of Public Security, she is competing with current Minister Gilad Arden, Miri Regev, who will vacate the Ministry of Culture and Sport. Justice Minister Amir Ohana, who in his brief term managed to provoke quite a few storms, may be appointed Minister of Transport. Another contenders for the position, which is currently playing for Minister Bezalel Smutrich (right), current Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin. The latter is also mentioned as a candidate for Knesset Speaker, along with Yuli (Joel) Edelstein, who just finished his term last week after a stubborn fight with the High Court.

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman (Torah Jewry) will continue in office, despite great pressure on Netanyahu to replace him. Blue and white also demanded the case for itself during the Corona crisis, but it will remain by the chairman of Torah Judaism.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (SHS) will continue in office, and the evening was also appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a special projector in the ultra-Orthodox and Arab sectors with the aim of increasing the Ministry of Health's guidelines in the Corona war.

The religious portfolio will remain in the hands of Shas. The education portfolio is expected to remain in the right. Today, Rafi Peretz is serving as party member, but it is unclear if he will continue.

As for the right-wing block, the positions on which the fight appears open include the Ministry of Energy (currently Likud's Yuval Steinitz), the Ministry of the Environment (now Ze'ev Elkin's office), and Construction and Housing (Yifat Shasha-Biton).

An appointment expected to provoke outrage, especially among the opposition, is the chairman of the finance committee. The position is expected to return to MK Moshe Gaffney (Torah Judaism), who only took office last week when he was appointed temporary chairman is MK Oded Forer (Israel). Our home).

Who will be the Minister of Communications?

Even in blue, there is still an open struggle for some cases. Gantz will be appointed Minister of Defense in place of Naftali Bennett, and will also serve as Deputy Prime Minister. Gabi Ashkenazi will serve as Foreign Minister. With the rotation coming into effect, in September 2021, Ashkenazi will be appointed Minister of Defense.

The Justice Ministry has a fight between MK Hilly Trooper - a favorite candidate reportedly by the Likud - with MK Avi Nissenkorn. Also, there is still the possibility of an external appointment, as it was at the time with Daniel Friedman.

The struggle remains open in several offices: the media, economy, work and welfare (Ofir Akunis), culture and sports, agriculture (Tzachi Hanegbi), immigration and absorption (Yoav Galant), tourism (Yariv Levin and science (Ofir Akunis)).

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